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The Heartland Institute does not believe that man is causing climate change. It does not believe that smoking causes lung cancer.

  • Oil and gas companies have contributed to the Heartland Institute.
  • ExxonMobil donated over $600,000 between 1998 and 2005.
  • Heartland has received donations from tobacco companies Philip Morris, Altria and Reynolds American.
  • The Heartland Institute pays Robert M. Carter $1,667 per month, (Carter, a professor of geology, not climate science, writes and speaks against climate change).
  • Anthony Watts, a meteorologist who disagrees with climate change, received a payment of $90,000 from Heartland.

In their book Merchants of Doubt, Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway wrote that the Heartland Institute was known "for its

  • persistent questioning of climate science,
  • for its promotion of 'experts' who have done little, if any, peer-reviewed climate research,
  • and for its sponsorship of a conference in New York City in 2008 alleging that the scientific community's work on global warming is fake."

In February 2012, leaked documents revealed Heartland's plans to disseminate a new school curriculum aimed at "dissuading teachers from teaching science."

In May 2012, Heartland launched a poster campaign comparing Unabomber and Osama bin Laden to those concerned about global warming. Part of its press release stated:

  • "The people who still believe in man-made global warming are mostly on the radical fringe of society. This is why the most prominent advocates of global warming aren't scientists. They are murderers, tyrants, and madmen."

Most people would agree that The Heartland Institute is biased.

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The Heartland Institute is known for promoting free-market principles and libertarian ideologies. Critics argue that this leads to bias in their research and advocacy efforts, particularly in the areas of climate change and healthcare policy. It is important to consider multiple sources and perspectives when evaluating information from The Heartland Institute.

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What is an example of heartland theory?

Heartland Theory is a geopolitical hypothesis proposed by British geographer, Wallerstein. An example of Heartland Theory is making a simple hypothesis about something that may change in the near future that is caused by something else dealing with the economy or things like that.

Where is the industrial heartland of China?

The industrial heartland of China is typically considered to be in the eastern coastal region, including cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. These areas are known for their concentration of manufacturing industries, technology hubs, and export-oriented businesses.

The geopolitical theory that indicates the eurasian heartland is the key to control of the world was forwarded by who?

The geopolitical theory that claims the Eurasian heartland is the key to world control was proposed by Sir Halford Mackinder, a British geographer, in his famous "Heartland Theory" in 1904. Mackinder argued that the control of this vast region would allow for domination over the "World Island" (Europe, Asia, and Africa), thus ensuring global supremacy.

What happens if scientists detect biased data?

The study is rejected.

Did Mackinder propose the rimland theory of geopolitics?

No, it was Nicholas Spykman who proposed the Rimland Theory of geopolitics. Spykman argued that controlling the coastal areas (rimland) of Eurasia was more important than controlling the heartland, as suggested by Halford Mackinder's Heartland Theory.

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