

Is Saturn strong

Updated: 10/26/2022
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āˆ™ 6y ago

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I am not sure that the word "strong" can be applied meaningfully to a planet.

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Q: Is Saturn strong
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Is there wind on Saturn?

Yes, there are strong winds on all of the gas planets, including Saturn.

Why is Saturn's Magnetic field so strong?

because huge asteroids get pulled into Saturn's gravitational field

Does Saturn have a strong gravity or a weak one?

Those words ('strong' and 'weak') don't mean anything unless you explain what you're comparing to. You haven't done that. Comparing the surface of Saturn to the surface of Earth, Saturn comes out about 14% stronger. Comparing the surface of Saturn to the surface of Jupiter, Saturn comes out about 57% weaker.

Why are there so many moons on Saturn?

This is because huge asteroids get pulled into Saturn's gravitational field which is very strong

Why do the particles surrounding Saturn not form a moon or satellite?

The tidal forces from Saturn's gravity are to strong for the rings to form a moon.

Can someone live on Saturn?

No, because Saturn's surface temperature is 285° F (-175 °C), and if you ask me, that's too cold. Also Saturn's winds are too strong.

What will you need on Saturn?

A rocket that travels about 246,734,0 km/hr; Saturn has a very strong gravitational force.

Why does Saturn appear squashed?

becuase of its rings

What are 3 What are facts aout Saturn?

Saturn get coler and farther to earth. rings are made of gas rocks and comets. the gratiy is so strong it pulls the ring together Saturn has many rings

What would you need to sustain life on Saturn?

The same as you would need on Earth. The trouble is that strong enough sunlight is not available on Saturn for advanced life.

Why do Jupiter and Saturn have many moons?

because their gravity is so strong that the moons are pulled in.

How the rings are formed?

Saturn's rings where formed by the comets and asteroids with the strong gravitation pull .