Saturn is much bigger than Uranus. Its diameter is more than twice as large (even without the rings) at 120,000 kilometers to 51,000 for Uranus. Saturn is more than six times as massive as Uranus (95 times Earth compared to 14.5 Earths).
Jupiter is bigger than Saturn. Saturn's rings extend far out, but these don't really count as part of the planet. It only appears that Saturn might be larger as it is closer to Earth than Jupiter.
No; closer to two times.
Titan is a moon of Saturn, not Uranus. It is the largest moon of Saturn and is located within Saturn's magnetosphere. Uranus, on the other hand, is a separate planet in the solar system, with its own moons.
Uranus is about 4 times larger in diameter than Earth, making it approximately 50 times larger in terms of volume. This means that Uranus is about 18 times more massive than Earth.
Saturn is far bigger than Mercury, having 24 times the surface area of Mercury. Saturn-120,034 km Mercury-4,880 km
Saturn is the larger planet by far, but because Saturn is made 99% of gas, Uranus has more mass.
Well considering a galaxy can be light years across, a galaxy, no matter what type is far larger than Saturn. Jupiter is bigger than Saturn, so too is the Sun.
Jupiter is bigger than Saturn. Saturn's rings extend far out, but these don't really count as part of the planet. It only appears that Saturn might be larger as it is closer to Earth than Jupiter.
Venus is much closer to the sun than the earth, while Uranus is very far away from the sun, farther than Saturn. There is No possibility of Venus and Uranus colliding.
No; closer to two times.
Titan is a moon of Saturn, not Uranus. It is the largest moon of Saturn and is located within Saturn's magnetosphere. Uranus, on the other hand, is a separate planet in the solar system, with its own moons.
Uranus is about 4 times larger in diameter than Earth, making it approximately 50 times larger in terms of volume. This means that Uranus is about 18 times more massive than Earth.
Saturn is far bigger than Mercury, having 24 times the surface area of Mercury. Saturn-120,034 km Mercury-4,880 km
The planets far away from the sun like Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune
Jupiter and Saturn each have 60 or more known moons. In Saturn's case, there are many small moonlets in the ring system. In Jupiter's case, a number of small moons (likely captured asteroids) have comparatively long and elliptical orbits far from the planet.
The planets that are far from the sun in our solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These are known as the outer or gas giant planets.
The four in our solar system with the largest orbits are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.