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Niburu (or planet X) is a fictional planet and has been widely reported on the internet that it will hit the Earth in 2012.

See the above - it's fictional.

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3mo ago

No, there is no evidence to suggest that Nibiru, a hypothetical planet, is going to tilt the Earth. Nibiru is considered to be a conspiracy theory and there is no scientific basis for its existence or impact on Earth's tilt. Earth's tilt is primarily determined by its natural processes and interactions with other celestial bodies in the solar system.

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Which planet is just beyond earth?

Going outwards from the Sun, the next planet in the solar system after Earth would be Mars. Going inwards from Earth towards the Sun, the next planet is Venus - whose orbit is actually closer to Earth's than that of Mars.

Does space shuttle revolve around earth before going to other planets?

Space shuttles are not designed to go to other planets, they stay in a near earth orbit, orbiting earth several times in a mission before returning back to earth. They don't really go far from our planet.

Is earth a star or planet?

Earth is a planet, not a star. Stars are massive celestial bodies that undergo nuclear fusion, generating heat and light, while planets are smaller bodies that orbit stars. Earth is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system.

What comes after Venus?

Jupiter. Or if you want to know what form comes after mars, It would be the astriod belt.

What is catchy slogan for going green?

The best slogan for save the earth is clean up the Earth, it's the only one we have. Another good one is a clean earth is a happy earth, and a good planet is hard to find.

Related questions

What is Niburu going to do in 2012?

Nothing. Nibiru or Planet X did its usual Planet X activities in 2012.

Why is the world going to end in December 21 2012?

Before I tell you, you got to believe that the end of the world won't happen in 2012 December 21st. It will happen in billions of years from today. People believe that Niburu will hit the Earth who is 4 times as big as our planet and destroy us (people trying to make money). Another reason is that the Sun will cook the planet and destroy us even if Niburu doesn't (also fake).I don't know how many things people think would destroy Earth but keep in mind... it is all fake.

Is planet x really hit the earth?

NO! And the proof is its already 2013 no hit and earth isnt in the middle of the solar system and many planets are in it so I say planet x isnt going to collide with earth and if it is a meteorite then theres a really big chance planet x hits the huge sun and melts there

Is niburu going to collide with earth?

No. There is no planet Nibiru or Niburu. It doesn't exist. It is a figment of the imagination. I'd say that it has rung down the curtain and joined the Choir Invisible, except that implies it was real at one time, which it wasn't, at least not in any meaningful sense.The word "nibiru" does exist in certain ancient mesopotamian texts dealing with astronomy, but it's not really clear exactly what it refers to. It might be an alternative name for one of the planets we know about, it might refer to a star, or it might refer to a conjunction of planets with each other or with stars. Whatever it means, it certainly is not a giant invisible planet that's about to strike the Earth that can only be seen from observatories at the South Pole (to pick a few of the elements from one version of the hoax that I've heard).

Is planet x going to destroy earth?

Of course not! There is no such thing as Planet-X!

Which planet is just beyond earth?

Going outwards from the Sun, the next planet in the solar system after Earth would be Mars. Going inwards from Earth towards the Sun, the next planet is Venus - whose orbit is actually closer to Earth's than that of Mars.

Is there going to be a escape from planet earth 2?

if there's going to in 2015 or 2016.

When is planet earth going to end?

In about 8 billion years

What planet crashed in to us?

No planet has crashed into earth, there was romers that, that was going to happen in 2012. but it didn't. the planet was called planet x or Nibiru

What is planet earth called?

Seriously? Im going to go out on a limb and say that its name is "EARTH"

Was the moon a planet?

Yes scientist think that years ago ,before dinosouars were on earth,the planet hit the edge of earth and then started going around the earth as it got smaller

Is it really true that the planet earth is going to be destroyed on December 2012?

nooo,=) cause its not, i don't believe in the bible or anything, but i do believe that only god knows when this world has had its time!