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3w ago

Yes, muscle tone refers to the slight amount of tension or tautness in a muscle at rest, maintained by involuntary contractions of motor units. It helps to keep the muscle ready to respond to stimuli and maintain posture.

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Q: Is Muscle tone the small amount of tautness or tension you nthe muscle due to weat involuntary contractions?
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Is muscle tone the smallest amount of tautness or tension due to weak involuntary contractions of its motor units?


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Tetany is the term for the muscle contractions that may be caused by hypoparathyroidism.

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Muscle is involuntary and has few mitochondria?

This statement is incorrect. Muscle tissue can be either voluntary (skeletal muscle) or involuntary (smooth and cardiac muscle). Additionally, muscle cells (myocytes) have numerous mitochondria to provide energy for muscle contractions.

Why does eccentric produce more force than concentric?

Eccentric muscle contractions involve the lengthening of the muscle under tension, which allows for greater force production compared to concentric contractions where the muscle shortens. This occurs because the muscle fibers can generate more force during the controlled lengthening process in eccentric contractions, leading to greater tension development.

What is the definition for involuntary muscle?

The rhythmic contractions of smooth muscle down an esophagus is called peristalsis. The muscle contractions that help move the food down through the esophagus (and through much of the gastrointestinal tract) are called peristalticcontractions.Interestingly, even if you are hanging upside down in a gravitational field (such as a kid hanging by his legs from the monkey bars), you can still swallow food and it will go to your stomach due to these contractions.

What includes both concentric and eccentric contractions?

Isotonic muscle contractions involve both concentric (muscle shortening) and eccentric (muscle lengthening) phases. In isotonic contractions, the muscle changes in length while maintaining a constant tension, such as when lifting a weight or performing a bicep curl.