Yes, Mount Dora, Florida is known for its low lakeside bluffs. The town is situated on the shores of Lake Dora, and most properties have a gradual slope or no significant bluffs as the land gently meets the water's edge.
There is no known location of Mount Extinet. It is likely a fictional or mythical mountain.
Mount Erebus did not erupt in 2011. The last known eruption of Mount Erebus in Antarctica occurred in 2018.
it is known becauseof its perfect cone
Mount St. Helens and Mount Adams are known as brother and sister because of their close proximity and similar volcanic origin in the Cascade Range. Local Native American legends also refer to the two mountains as siblings, with Mount Adams symbolizing a brother and Mount St. Helens a sister.
Yes, Mount Rainier is an episodically active composite volcano which is also known as a stratovolcano. Mount Rainier last erupted as recently as the 1890s.
LAKESIDE was a known trademark of the Montgomery Ward Co and used on guns produced for them by HD Folsom/Crescent Firearms from 1895-1930. Value will be up to $250.
Mount Olympus is known for being the home of the gods.
Mount Lassen is known for being an active volcano.
Ayers Rock also known as Uluru is a mountain in Australia. Ayers Rock is technically a monolith. The main mountain range in Australia is The Great Dividing Range. It stretches out across three states on the eastern side of Australia and is about 3000 klms long. A list of the 10 highest mountains in Australia can be found at:
This county seat of Butler County, Missouri is also known as "The Gateway to the Ozarks". It's name derives from the bluff that overlooks the Black River. When the area was first settled, the bluff was covered with Poplar Trees. See the Related Link, listed below, for more information:
somewhere on the west bank of the Missouri now known as the council bluff.
The highest point is 140 feet above sea level, known as The Bluff
Mount Everest is probably known everywhere as the highest mountain in the world.
Florida is the best known one
Bluff. Probably best known for its oysters.
Mount Everest was once known as Peak XV (15).
cayman brac is known for the bluff which is a verry large rock located all around the island