Jane Goodall is still alive as of November 2021. She was born on April 3, 1934.
She hasn't died yet
As of my last update, Jane Goodall is alive. She was born on April 3, 1934.
No. She is alive and healthy as of August 2012.
As of September 2021, Jane Goodall's father, Mortimer Herbert Morris-Goodall, passed away in 2001. Her mother, Margaret Myfanwe Joseph, passed away in 2000.
She's not dead yet.
I don't think she is dead yet...I looked it up on the internet for my report on the devil's arithmetic.
Jane Goodall is still alive as of November 2021. She was born on April 3, 1934.
No she is not
The name Jane Doe for a dead body came from the dead bodies that could not be identified.
No, Sarah Jane isn't dead. It is not true in a Website. She is still carrying on making her own Sarah Jane Adventures Series, and working on Series 5. If anything is saying that Sarah Jane smith is dead, she isn't.
No she is not
Not Dead Yet was created in 1996.
She is most certainly not dead! Lisa Jane Smith is 45 years old I think.
No she is not
Margaret Cho plays Jane's assistant, Terri on Drop Dead Diva.
Jane Wyman is dead.