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No. Hawaii is the result of a hot spot.

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2w ago

Yes, Hawaii is formed by a hotspot beneath the Pacific Plate, not by subduction. As the Pacific Plate moves over the hotspot, magma rises and creates a chain of volcanic islands, with the oldest islands towards the northwest.

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Q: Is Hawaii formed by subduction
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No, the eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii is not associated with subduction boundary. Kilauea is a shield volcano located on a hotspot, where magma rises from the mantle, creating volcanic eruptions.

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What are formed along subduction zones?

Volcanic arcs and deep ocean trenches are formed along subduction zones. As one tectonic plate moves beneath another, the descending plate melts and creates magma that rises to the surface to form a volcanic arc. Deep ocean trenches are also created as the overriding plate bends and sinks into the Earth's mantle.

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Are the hawaiian islands formed at a subduction boundary?

No, the Hawaiian Islands are not formed at a subduction boundary. They are formed by a hotspot in the Earth's mantle, where magma rises to the surface and creates volcanic islands as the tectonic plate moves over the hotspot.

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Lassen Peak and Mount Shasta are both stratovolcanoes formed due to the subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate beneath the North American plate. As the Juan de Fuca plate subducts, it melts, leading to the formation of magma that rises to the surface and erupts, forming these volcanic peaks. Subduction zones are known for producing explosive eruptions due to the interaction between the descending plate and the overlying plate.

What kind of landforms are formed from subduction?

Landforms formed from subduction include deep ocean trenches, volcanic arcs, and mountain ranges. Subduction occurs when one tectonic plate is forced beneath another, creating these distinctive features through processes such as volcanic activity and uplift.

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A subduction zone is formed.

How was the japan trench formed?

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