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Q: Is Havana Cuba south or north of the equator?
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Is Havana North or South of the Cayman Islands?

Havana (the capital of Cuba) is north os the Cayman Islands.

What country is farther south Havana Cuba or Mumbai?

Mumbai is farther south than Havana. Havana's latitude is 23°08'N, while Mumbai is at 18°58'30"N, about 5° closer to the equator.

What is farther south havana cuba or Bombay India?

it looks like South Havana Cuba is farther south in comparison with Bombay India. South Havana Cuba is on the southern most side.

Is Georgetown the capital on the tropic of cancer?

No, the capital of Guyana is only about 7 degrees north of the equator. The national capital closest to the Tropic of Cancer is likely Havana, Cuba (slightly south).

Is the Mediterranean sea south of Cuba?

no its not! the carribean sea is south of cuba, i believe no its not! the carribean sea is south of cuba, i believe

What are the appropriate latitudes of havana Cuba and Nicaragua managua?

Havana Cuba is 82 north and Managua Nicaragua is 12 north

How far from the equator is the Bahama islands?

Cuba is roughly about 1,500 statue miles north of the equator. The capital of Havana is about 1,600 miles north, and the city of Santiago de Cuba (on the island's southern coast) is a little less than 1,400 miles north.

How close is the equator to Uruguay?

Uruguay is located south of the equator, approximately 1,100 miles away. The equator itself passes through northern South America, near countries like Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil, but does not directly cross Uruguay. Uruguay is closer to the South Pole than the equator.

Is the Dominican Republic north or south of the equator?

The Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with the country of Haiti, lies 19° north of the equator.

Havana ia located in what country?

Havana is located in Cuba. It is the capital city of Cuba and serves as its largest city and leading commercial center.

Which city is further south havana cuba or Bombay india?

Mumbai India

Where in the world is havana?

cuba north america