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Q: Is HC2H3O2 an electrolyte or a non electrolyte?
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HC2H3O2 is an electrolyte?

Yes, acetic acid (HC2H3O2) is a weak electrolyte. It partially dissociates in water to form H+ and C2H3O2- ions, allowing for a small electrical conductivity in solution.

Is CH2OHCH2OH a strong electrolyte?

No, CH2OHCH2OH is not a strong electrolyte because it is a covalent compound. Strong electrolytes dissociate completely into ions when dissolved in solution, while covalent compounds do not dissociate into ions.

What is a substance whose solutions do not conduct electricity?

Non ionic, non electrolyte

Is sugar water an electrolyte or non electrolyte?

Its a non electrolyte.

Is hno2 and electrolyte or a non electrolyte?

It is an electrolyte

Is ethyl alcohol a non electrolyte?

No, ethyl alcohol (also known as ethanol) is a weak electrolyte because it can partially dissociate into ions in solution. However, compared to strong electrolytes like salts, ethanol has a much lower conductivity in solution due to the small amount of ions it produces.

Is CH3CH2OH electrolyte?

No, It is a non-electrolyte,

Is ammonium sulphate a strong electrolyte weak electrolyte or non-electrolyte?

Ammonium sulfate is a strong electrolyte. It dissociates completely into ions when dissolved in water, leading to a high conductivity of the solution.

Is C6H14 a strong weak or non electrolyte?

C6H14 is a non-electrolyte. Non-electrolytes do not dissociate into ions when dissolved in water and therefore do not conduct electricity.

Is Dibromodichloromethane a strong electrolyte?

No. It is a non electrolyte.

Is water non electrolyte?

No, water is a weak electrolyte because it can ionize to a small extent, producing ions such as H+ and OH-. However, compared to strong electrolytes like salts, its conductivity is very low.

Is P2O3 a strong electrolyte?

No, P2O3 is not a strong electrolyte because it does not readily dissociate into ions when dissolved in water. It exists as molecules in solution rather than as separate ions.