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Yes, cloning is a Greek word for making multiples of something. Clones are made when DNA sequences of an organism are multiplied or replicated. When a clone is made from molecules,the process is called molecular cloning and when it is made from a cell, then it is referred to as cellular cloning.

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Yes, DNA replication is involved in cloning because cloning requires the creation of an exact copy of an organism's DNA. During the process of cloning, the DNA of the organism being cloned is replicated to produce identical genetic material in the cloned individual.

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What term is used to describe the the process of copying DNA?

Replication is the term used to describe the process of copying DNA. Or perhaps transcription.

Definition of gene cloning?

Gene cloning is the replication of DNA fragments by the use of a self-replicating genetic material. Unlike reproductive cloning, which replicates an entire organism, gene cloning duplicates only individual genes of an organism's DNA.

DNA replication is also called?

DNA replication is the second part of inter-phase where the cell makes an exact copy of the DNA in its cell. Please see the answer to the related question below..

What is the name given to the process where the DNA is copied?

The process where DNA is copied is called DNA replication. During DNA replication, the double-stranded DNA molecule is unwound and each strand serves as a template for the synthesis of a new complementary strand. This process is essential for cell division and passing genetic information to offspring.

What are the areas on DNA where replication occurs called?

DNA replication begins in areas of DNA molecules are called origins of replication.

What a good cloning vector should have?

A good cloning vector should have features such as a selectable marker, multiple cloning sites, origin of replication, and the ability to carry large DNA inserts. Additionally, it should be easy to manipulate and purify.

Are DNA and RNA neurotransmitters?

No. Neurotransmitters are located in the brain. DNA & RNA are related to cell information and replication.

Inhibitors of DNA replication?

Inhibitors of DNA replication include drugs like Ciprofloxacin and Doxorubicin, which interfere with the enzymes involved in DNA synthesis. These inhibitors disrupt the process of replication by blocking DNA polymerase or topoisomerase enzymes, preventing proper DNA synthesis and cell division. This can be used in cancer therapy to inhibit cell proliferation.

What is DNA cloning?

DNA cloning is the production of large number of identical DNA molecules from a single ancestral DNA molecule. It is of two types 1. cell based DNA cloning 2. cell free DNA cloning

How can rocks be cloned?

No Rocks, or any nonliving organism lack any genetic material/component (chromosomes, genes, DNA) required for replication or cloning.

DNA is copied during a process called?

DNA is copied during a process called DNA replication. This process occurs in the nucleus of a cell and involves making an exact copy of the original DNA molecule. DNA replication is essential for cell division and passing genetic information from one generation to the next.

What does DNA replication make?

DNA replication produces a copy of the DNA. At the same time the cell in which the DNA is to be found splits into two with a copy of the DNA in each. DNA replication is caused by cell replication during the process of mitosis.