La Paz, Bolivia is located at approximately 16.5 degrees South latitude.
This location is Bolivia.
Tropical vegetation and jungle grows at low latitude areas.
China has a range of latitudes, spanning from about 18°N to 54°N. This means that some parts of China have a low latitude while others have a high latitude.
The 20 degrees S line of latitude passes through Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Chile in South America.
La Paz, Bolivia is located at approximately 16.5 degrees South latitude.
The coordinates for Bolivia is 16.2902° S, 63.5887° W
Paraguay near Bolivia.
The coordinates for Bolivia is 16.2902° S, 63.5887° W.(I can't find New Bolivia as an actual location in Bolivia, though the term, New Bolivia, is found as titles in The Financial Times).
This location is Bolivia.
Chile Bolivia Paraguay Brazil
La Paz Bolivia
Tropical vegetation and jungle grows at low latitude areas.
The exact location of La Paz, Bolivia is 16 degrees South and 68 degrees West.
The Equator is at 0 degrees latitude. A low latitude is a latitude with a low number, ie. relatively close to the Equator. The South Pole is at 90 degrees S latitude, the North Pole is at 90 degrees N latitude. A high latitude is one that is relatively close to the poles.
20 degrees south latitude passes through Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Bolivia