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No, an anion is the atom plus extra electrons which give that atom a negative charge. The anion is thus, always bigger than the original atom.

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An anion is typically larger than the atom from which it is produced due to the addition of extra electrons, which increases the electron-electron repulsion and therefore the atomic radius.

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Q: Is An anion is smaller than the atom from which it is produced?
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Related questions

How is the size of an anion different from the size of the atom from which it was formed?

Anion will have more electron than which atom it was form. So, after forming the the atom will have more electron cloud and size will be smaller compare to the original one.

Why is the radius of anion more than the corresponding atom?

An anion has more electrons than a neutral atom.

When an atom becomes a cation what happens to it's radius?

When an atom becomes a cation, it loses one or more electrons, causing the outermost electron shell to contract. This contraction of the electron cloud results in a decrease in the atomic radius of the cation compared to the neutral atom.

Why do the properties of an anion differ from those of its parent atom?

The anion has a negative electrical charge and is more chemically reactive than the atom.

How does the size of each compare with the size of the neutral atom form which it is formed?

A cation is smaller than the neutral atom because one electron is removed from the original atom to form it. An anion is larger than the neutral atom because one electron is added to the original atom to form it.

What is an atom that has more electrons than normal referred to as?

An atom with extra (a higher number than that of its protons) electrons is an anion. An atom with a lower count than its protons is a cation. They are often reffered to as positive (cation) or negative (anion) Ions. An Ion is defined as a charged particle.

When the atom becomes an anion what happens to its radius?

The radius of the atom increases when it becomes an anion. This is because an anion gains extra electrons, leading to increased electron-electron repulsion, which pushes the electron cloud outward.

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When was our Universe smaller than an atom?

The Universe was never smaller than an atom.

What a negative charged atom?

A negatively charged atom is called an anion, which is an atom that has more electrons than protons.

Why is cation smaller than parent atom?

Because it has donated an electron(s) into the valance shell of an anion, thus the overall radius of the element has decreased and sometimes significantly.

Why is the size of an ion greater than its parent atom?

Only the anion is greater than the atom because gained an electron.