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1w ago

No, a geologic era is a longer unit of time than a geologic period. Geologic eras are divided into periods, which are further subdivided into epochs. The hierarchy from largest to smallest is era, period, epoch.

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Q: Is A geologic era is a shorter unit of time than a geologic period?
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Shorter than a period on the geologic time scale?

Not even a blip.

Is an Era shorter than an eon?

Yes, an era is shorter than an eon. An era is a subdivision of geologic time that represents a significant period of time within an eon, while an eon is the largest division of geologic time, typically lasting hundreds of millions to billions of years.

What division of geologic time is smaller than an era?

A period is smaller than an era in the geologic time scale. It is further subdivided into epochs and ages.

Was era or period longer?

On the geologic time scale, an era is longer than a period. There are 12 geologic eras in total and they are composed of geologic periods. For instance, the Mesozoic era is composed of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

What is a time span shorter than an era such as quaternary?

A Period

What geologic time period did the crylophsaurus live?

the Jurassic Period

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Middle division of geologic time?


Which is not a major period of the geologic time scale?

Century - A century is not a major period of the geologic time scale. The major divisions of the geologic time scale are eons, eras, periods, and epochs.

What geologic time period were all the continents joined together?

Geraghty Period

What time period are you in currently?

We are living in the Holocene Epoch of the Quaternary Period in the Cenozoic Era of geologic time.

What is the Order the units or geologic time from the longest to the shortest?

The order of units of geologic time from longest to shortest is: eon, era, period, epoch.