61 degrees north latitude and 10 degrees east longitude is in Sweden.
61 degrees north and 147 degrees west is in the northern part of Alaska, near the Bering Strait and the Arctic Ocean.
61 degrees south latitude and 10 degrees east longitude would place you in the Southern Ocean, south of Africa, near the Prince Edward Islands.
61 degrees North
The country that is located at approximately 10 degrees north and 61 degrees west is Trinidad and Tobago, a dual-island Caribbean nation located off the northern edge of South America.
Depends mostly on where you live, I would have to say living in the south a light hoodie and some pants. so the answer is chilly.
yes 61 degrees is cold so wear a jacket plus its windy that would make it also cold
Flavia Laos
It's hot, hottor than your body core temperature but their is still places which are a lot hotter.
16.1 degrees Celsius is relatively cool and comfortable. It is not considered hot, but rather mild and pleasant for most people.
61 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately 16 degrees Celsius.
61 degrees Fahrenheit = 16.1 degrees Celsius.OR61 degrees Celsius = 141.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
61 degrees Fahrenheit = 289.26 kelvin
61 degrees Fahrenheit = 16.1 degrees Celsius.
61 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to a temperature of 16.11 degrees Celsius.
61 degrees north latitude and 10 degrees east longitude is in Sweden.
61 degrees north and 147 degrees west is in the northern part of Alaska, near the Bering Strait and the Arctic Ocean.