That is not a valid time. The first minute of the day is 0000 (12 midnight), and the last minute of the day is 2359 (11:59 PM).
One minute to midnight
EDT stands for Eastern Daylight Time, which follows a 12-hour clock format. Therefore, 1144 EDT means 11:44 AM.
12.45 in am pm time is 12:45 PM.
8 PM PST is 9 PM MST and 10 PM MDT.8 PM PDT is 8 PM MST and 9 PM MDT.
1200 to 2359
No, 2359 can be divided by 7. 2359 / 7 = 337
2359/60= 147.4375
That is not a valid time. The first minute of the day is 0000 (12 midnight), and the last minute of the day is 2359 (11:59 PM).
No - rounded to three decimal places, 1854/2359 = 0.786
2359 - 2011 is rated/received certificates of: Singapore:PG13 USA:R
2359 One Minute to Midnight (23:59)
Time based on the 24 hour day. Instead of AM and PM, time is stated as 0800 for 8 AM, 1300 for 1 PM, 1900 for 7 PM, etc., and 2359 for 1 minute before midnight. If the clock says it is 3:00 pm in our time, in military time it would be 1500 hours, spoken "fifteen hundred hours." 9:00 AM = 0900 hours 1:00 PM = 1300 hours 9:00 PM = 2100 hours ***An easy way to remember: IF IT'S PM, JUST ADD 12.
yes it can
No: it is divisible by 7