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Iron or Fe is relatively highly reactive metal, hence when reacts with any oxidising object (like water), it gets oxidized.

The reaction goes as follows-

2Fe + 3H20--> Fe203 (rust) + 3H2

Hence, Iron rusts when it comes in contact with water due to its high oxidising nature, i.e., it easily gets oxidised to rust.

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13y ago
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4mo ago

the process of oxidation. When iron is exposed to water, it reacts with oxygen in the air to form iron oxide, commonly known as rust. This process is accelerated in the presence of electrolytes, which help facilitate the flow of electrons during oxidation.

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10y ago

Iron rusts when it comes in contact with water because of the oxygen in it. The oxygen binds with the metal causing the rust.

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7y ago

Rusting is an example of a chemical reaction. It is an example of and oxidation reaction.

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7y ago

It is an example of oxidation.

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When iron gets wet or comes into contact with water, it is likely to rust. However, some iron products are coated with substances that help prevent rust.

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it is salt water because there is more oxagan in salt water then fresh water

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I would probally say salt water, because you know when the snow plows come, they spray salt stuff, when that gets on you'r car it rusts. And water rusts stuff too, so it would be like doubled fast then water.

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Water because it doesn't hove all the acid and sugars in it.

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Salt water.