

Information of rocks

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Information of rocks
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Related questions

Where can someone find information on metamorphic rocks?

One can find information on metamorphic rocks in any Geology book. One can also find information on metamorphic rocks online on Wikipedia, Library Think Quest and Science Kids New Zealand websites.

Pictures of sedimentary rocks?

I found that http:/ has pics and information.

What information do rocks provides to geologists?

Rocks provides geological events and changing life forms of the past.

Why was Mars created?

it was created to find rocks, soil and information.

What is a good topic to give a speech about?

I think a good topic would be rocks,what kind of rocks there are and write some information.

How do people use rocks 5 ways?

I. Man gets information about earth from rocks. II. Man gets metals from rocks and makes them into jewelry. III. Man uses rocks for building roads and bridges.

What can you infer about metamorphic rocks from their names?

That they have undergone some form of change. For more information on metamorphic rocks please see the related question.

Why do you need study rocks or fossils?

we need to study rocks because it gives us important information about the origin of the earth by the use of fosills

What information was gathered on the mars pathfinder space mission?

rocks soil and atmoshere

What information did Neil Armstrong bring back to America?

A moon rocks that's it

What sedimentary gives info about past conditions of?

Sedimentary rocks are laid down one layer at a time. The layers give information on how the rocks formed.

What is the most important information on sedimentary rocks?

Probably that they are sedimentary. =] They are made of sediments, and, unlike igneous and metamorphic rocks, are so far unaffected by magma/lava.