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AtTP is synthesized and made in the mitochondrial matrix because that is where the citric acid cycle produces the electrons that travel from one protein complex to the next in the inner membrane.

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Q: In which organelle is ATP synthesized or made?
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What organelle is insulin synthesized?

It is synthesized in the cytoplasm by the process of translation.

What organelle sites a cellular respiration?

The mitochondrion, where ATP (adenosine triphosphate/energy) is synthesized from ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) and one inorganic phosphate molecule.

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the ribosome

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It is the ribosome. Proteins are synthesized on that

Is ATP an organelle?

No, ATP (adenosine-5-triphosphate) is a nucleotide, a molecule used by cells to transport chemical energy. In humans, the mitochondria produce ATP. The mitochondria are among many cellular organelles.

What organelle is ATP released from?

ATP is released from mitochondrion.

Organelle that has enzymes needed to make ATP energy with oxygen present?

The organelle you are referring to is the mitochondrion. It contains enzymes required for the process of aerobic respiration, where glucose is broken down to produce ATP energy in the presence of oxygen.

WHERE Is ATP in your body?

ATP is the energy "money" for the cells to produce proteins and other cellular products. It it found in the cell and made in the organelle called the mitochrondria.

An organelle that produces ATP?


In which organelle is ATP made?

ATP is primarily produced in the mitochondria through a process called oxidative phosphorylation. The mitochondria is often referred to as the "powerhouse" of the cell due to its role in generating ATP through the electron transport chain.

What cellular organelle is ATP energy produced to fuel cellular activities?

The cellular organelle responsible for producing ATP energy is the mitochondria.

What organelle function in eukaryotic cellular respiration wherein ATP is produced?

Mitochondrion is the organelle function in eukaryotic cellular respiration where in ATP is produced. ATP is the energy created for an organism to operate.