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Q: In which Earth layer does the pressure reach 3.5 million atmospheres?
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What layer of earth has a 2.5 million atmospheres of pressure?

The layer of Earth with 2.5 million atmospheres of pressure is the inner core. This region, located at the center of the Earth, is composed mainly of solid iron and nickel. The immense pressure is due to the weight of the overlying materials pressing down.

In which layer of earth interior is the pressure inferred to be 1.0 million atmospheres?

Stiffer mantle.

In which layer of Earth's interior is the pressure inferred to be 1.0 million atmospheres?

The pressure of 1.0 million atmospheres is inferred to be in the inner core of Earth. The inner core is a solid layer composed mostly of iron and nickel under extremely high pressure due to the surrounding layers of Earth exerting force on it.

Which layer of the Earths atmosphere is the pressure inferred to be 1.0 million atmospheres?

Stiffer mantle.

What is the pressure of the earths mantle?

Earth's mantle extends to a depth of 2890 km, making it the thickest layer of Earth. The pressure, at the bottom of the mantle, is ~140 GPa (1.4 Matm). 1.4 Matm = 1.4 million atmospheres = 1.4 million x 14.7 = 20.58 million lbs per square inch

What is the pressure of Earth's mantle?

The pressure in Earth's mantle can vary depending on depth, but on average it is estimated to be between 1.3 to 1.4 million times atmospheric pressure at sea level. This high pressure is generated by the weight of the overlying rock and the high temperatures in the mantle.

In what atmosphereic layer are the planets?

Planets are not a part of the earth's atmosphere. They orbit the sun as the earth does, at great distances from the earth. Several of them have atmospheres of their own.

What is the function of the atmospheres ozone layer?

The ozone layer protects us from the UV rays. These UV rays can cause harm to life on earth.

What layer is the pressure the highest?

The troposphere is the layer of the earth's atmosphere with the highest air pressure.

What layer is the atmosphere pressure highest?

The atmospheric pressure is highest at the Troposphere, which is the layer closest to the Earth's surface. Within the Troposphere, pressure decreases with altitude.

What is the preasure on Venus?

The atmospheric pressure on Venus is about 92 times greater than Earth's atmospheric pressure, equivalent to being about 900 meters underwater on Earth. The high pressure on Venus is due to the thick layer of carbon dioxide and other gases in its atmosphere.

What is the Solid layer of earth that can flow because of great heat and pressure?

The solid layer of the Earth that can flow due to great heat and pressure is the asthenosphere. It is located beneath the lithosphere and is partially molten, allowing it to deform and flow over long periods of time. This flowing movement of the asthenosphere is responsible for the movement of tectonic plates.