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Dark reactions take place in the stroma of the plant cell.

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It is the mid part. It is called the stroma

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Hydrogen ion pump

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Its the stroma

On apex

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The Stroma

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Q: In what part of a chloroplast to dark reactions occur?
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Which part of the chloroplast do the dark reactions occur in?

the stroma

In which part of a chloroplast do dark reactions occur in?

Its the stroma On apex

In what part of the chloroplast do dark reactions occur?

It takes place in middle part. It is called stroma

What part of a chloroplast do the dark reactions occur?

It takes place in middle part. It is called stroma

In what part of a chloroplast do dark reaction occur?


Which part of a chloropast do the dark reactions occur you in?

The dark reactions of photosynthesis, specifically the Calvin cycle, take place in the stroma of the chloroplast. The stroma is the fluid-filled space surrounding the thylakoid membranes where the light-independent reactions occur to produce sugars using ATP and NADPH generated during the light reactions.

Which part of chloroplast to the dark reaction occur?

The dark reaction, also known as the Calvin cycle, occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast. It does not require light to proceed and is responsible for capturing carbon dioxide and converting it into sugars through a series of enzymatic reactions.

What part of a chloroplasts do the dark reactions occur in?

It takes place in middle part. It is called stroma

Where in the cell does light independent reactions take place?

Light-independent reactions, also known as the Calvin cycle, take place in the stroma of the chloroplast. This part of the chloroplast surrounds the thylakoid membranes where the light-dependent reactions occur. In the stroma, carbon dioxide is fixed and converted into glucose through a series of enzymatic reactions.

In what part of a chloroplast does Calvin cycle occur?

It is the cytoplasm of chloroplast. It is called as stroma

Which part of the chloroplast does the calvin cycle occur in?

The Calvin cycle, which is the process of carbon fixation in photosynthesis, occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast. This is where the enzymes and molecules involved in the cycle are located, allowing for the conversion of carbon dioxide into glucose.

In what part of a chloroplast does glue close production occur?

The production of glucose takes place during the light independent reactions (Calvin cycle) in the Stroma.