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Q: In what constellation was Jupiter when Galileo observed it rimental for the Ptoloemaic model of the solar system?
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What was Galileo the first to observe?

Galileo observed Jupiter's moons and Saturn's rings with the help of telescope

Who first observed that the moon had craters?

The Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei was the first to observe that the moon had craters. He made this discovery in 1609 through his telescope.

Who observed that Jupiter's moons orbited Jupiter and not the earth?


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Can Tycho's model explain the phases of venus as observed by Galileo?

No, Tycho's model cannot explain the phases of Venus observed by Galileo. Tycho's model proposed an Earth-centric system with the planets revolving around the Sun, which would not account for the varying phases of Venus. Galileo's observations of Venus' phases provided evidence in support of the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus.

What did the two humps observed by Galileo turn out to be on the planet Saturn?

The two humps observed by Galileo on the planet Saturn were later revealed to be the rings of Saturn when they were viewed through more powerful telescopes. Galileo did not have a clear view of the rings' true nature due to limitations in his equipment.

Did Galileo observed craters on the moon?

Yes he did, using the newly invented telescope.

Where was planet Saturn discovered at?

Saturn was discovered in Pisa, Italy by Galileo Galilei in 1610. Galileo also observed and discovered Saturn's Rings

What feature covers much of the Moon's surface and what did Galileo see when he observed this feature through the telescope?

many craters, mountains, and what Galileo referred to as 'seas'.

In what year did Galileo discover Saturn?

Galileo discovered Saturn in 1610 through his telescope. He observed its unique shape and rings but was unable to identify them accurately at the time.