Resazurin is pink in the presence of oxygen. It is used as an indicator to detect the presence of oxygen in cell cultures or microbiological media.
Gold does not react with oxygen under normal conditions. This is why gold does not tarnish or corrode easily, making it a popular material for jewelry and other applications where long-term exposure to oxygen is expected.
No. Oxygen is required for respiration in aerobes.
The opposite of anaerobic is aerobic. Anaerobic processes occur without oxygen, while aerobic processes require oxygen.
Resazurin is pink in the presence of oxygen. It is used as an indicator to detect the presence of oxygen in cell cultures or microbiological media.
2Au + 4KCN + O2 → 2KAu(CN)2
Gold does not react with oxygen under normal conditions. This is why gold does not tarnish or corrode easily, making it a popular material for jewelry and other applications where long-term exposure to oxygen is expected.
Combustibility is the term for a material's ability to burn in the presence of oxygen.
Yes, gold can react with oxygen to form gold oxide.
Something flammable burns in the presence of oxygen, which is necessary for the combustion process to occur.
The price of gold is expected to keep rising. This is because of the state of the economny, demand for gold, and the continuing decrease of the value of a dollar.
No - glycolysis is anaerobic (it does occur in the presence of oxygen).
No. Oxygen is required for respiration in aerobes.