Meters in the metric system is equal to the unit of length.
Yes, the metric unit smaller than a millimeter is a micrometer (also known as a micron), which is equal to one-thousandth of a millimeter.
1 gram is equal to 0.001 kilograms in the metric system.
In the metric system, a foot is called a meter.
A square meter in the metric system is equal to the area of a square that measures one meter on each side. It is the primary unit of area measurement in the metric system.
Meters in the metric system is equal to the unit of length.
A micrometer is equal to exactly 1 micrometer.
In the metric system, 0.35 ounces is equal to 9.92233 grams. In kilograms, this would be equal to 0.00992233 kilograms. The kilogram is the basic unit of weight in the metric system.
Yes, the metric unit smaller than a millimeter is a micrometer (also known as a micron), which is equal to one-thousandth of a millimeter.
1 meter in the metric system is equal to approximately 39.37 inches.
In the metric system, 0.35 ounces is equal to 9.92233 grams. In kilograms, this would be equal to 0.00992233 kilograms. The kilogram is the basic unit of weight in the metric system.
the basic unit of weight in metric system; equal to 0.35 ounces
1 gram is equal to 0.001 kilograms in the metric system.
In the metric system, a foot is called a meter.
1 micrometer = 0.001 millimeters
A square meter in the metric system is equal to the area of a square that measures one meter on each side. It is the primary unit of area measurement in the metric system.