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Q: In the cloraplasm what is the system membranes near the nucleus?
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Where is the nucleus in the cell in the body?

The nucleus is near the middle of an animal cell.

Are valance electrons located near the nucleus?

Valance electrons are not located near the nucleus. These electrons are in fact located the furthest away from the nucleus compared to other electrons.

Where is the Golgi Body in the cell?

Near the nucleus.

What is the brain near the center of the cell?

The nucleus

Where is the rough endoplasmic reticulum found near the nucleus or cytoplasm?

The rough endoplasmic reticulum is found near the nucleus in eukaryotic cells. It is a membrane-bound organelle that is studded with ribosomes where protein synthesis occurs.

Are energy levels in a hydrogen atom further apart near the nucleus?

No, the energy levels in a hydrogen atom are closer together near the nucleus and become more widely spaced as you move further away. The energy of an electron in a hydrogen atom is determined by its distance from the nucleus, with lower energy levels closer to the nucleus and higher energy levels further away.

Where in the cell are chormosomes located?

in the chromatin, which is near the nucleus

What is the location of a centriole?

It is in cytoplasm.It is located near to nucleus.

Part near the nucleus that helps with reproduction?


What is true about a carbon monoxide bond?

They spend more time near the oxygen nucleus than the carbon nucleus

What are the rod-shaped bodies near the nucleus?

i think centrioles?

Use nucleus in a good sentence?

I can give you several sentences.The nucleus of the cell is usually found near the middle.The electron circles the nucleus of the atom.The center of a city can also be called the nucleus.