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Q: In organisms that reproduce sexually through what type of cells are mutations passed to offspring?
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How is DNA different amongst organisms produced from asexual reproductiona and sexual reproduction?

Organisms that reproduce asexually pass on an exact replica of their own DNA to their offspring. Organisms that reproduce sexually pass on a combination of DNA from two parent organisms to their offspring.

How do multicellular organisms reproduce?

Multicellular organisms reproduce sexually by the combination of genetic material from two parent organisms through processes like fertilization. This allows for genetic diversity and variation in offspring.

Do all living organisms reproduce offspring?

If reproduce means producing offspring/copies of itself, then yes. If reproduce means reproducing sexually (not asexually), then no. Bacteria reproduce through asexual reproduction -- making exact copies of themselves.

Do all living things reproduce asexually?

No, not all living things reproduce asexually. Many organisms reproduce sexually, where genetic material from two parents is combined to produce offspring with genetic diversity. Some organisms also have the ability to reproduce both sexually and asexually, depending on environmental conditions.

Does eubacteria sexually reproduce?

These organisms reproduce both sexually and asexually =D

Which organisms are reproducing sexually?

Organisms that reproduce sexually include humans, animals, plants, fungi, and some types of bacteria. This process involves the fusion of gametes (sperm and egg cells) from two different parents to create offspring with a unique combination of genetic material.

What is a new organism produced by one or more parents?

A new organism that is produced by a parent is called an offspring. Some organisms reproduce asexually while others reproduce sexually.

Organisms that reproduce sexually?


Does polar bears reproduce sexually or asexually?

They reproduce sexually.. There must be copulation by a make & female in order to produce offspring.

What does fertile offspring mean?

Fertile offspring are offspring of parents which can continue to reproduce (for example Humans). However you can also get infertile offspring which cannot reproduce (an example of this is a mule, but it is not always the case.

What Does the Term Fertilization mean?

Answer this question… That the offspring can reproduce sexually

Do single celled organisms reproduce sexually?
