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It is necessary a change phase of CO2 by sublimation.

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It must be well ventilated.

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it must gain energy

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It must gain energy

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Gain heat from its surroundings.

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Q: In order for carbon dioxide gas to enter the air from dry ice the dry ice must do what?
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Why doesn't hydrogen produce carbon dioxide?

How could it? There is no carbon in hydrogen. It order to make carbon dioxide, you must have carbon and oxygen.

Where does the oxygen enters and carbon dioxide leaves?

Oxygen must enter our blood and Carbon Dioxide must leave the blood through our lungs. They do so by diffusion between the cappillaries.

Why do gases travel across the shell of a reptile egg?

The embryo inside the egg is carrying out cellular respiration. In order for it to do that oxygen must be able to enter the egg and carbon dioxide must be able to leave.

Why carbon can not enter the atmosphere?

Carbon can enter the atmosphere through natural processes like respiration, volcanic eruptions, and the decay of organic matter. However, excess carbon entering the atmosphere from human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, can lead to an imbalance in the carbon cycle, contributing to global warming and climate change.

Where does oxygen enter the blood and carbon dioxide leave the blood?

Oxygen must enter our blood and Carbon Dioxide must leave the blood through our lungs. They do so by diffusion between the cappillaries.

Why must carbon dioxide be breathed out?

carbon dioxide has to be breathed out because it can be harnful to the lungs

What must leaves absorb in order for plants to make their own food?

Leaves must absorb sunlight in order for plants to make their own food through the process of photosynthesis. This sunlight is captured by the pigment chlorophyll in chloroplasts within the leaf cells, which then converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

What two things must be taken in by a plant for photosynthesis?

The two things that a plant takes in for photosynthesis are : light and carbon dioxide.

What must all organisms be able to get rid of in order to survive?

Used oxygen (carbon dioxide) and used food (feces).

Why is carbon Dioxide not classed as organic?

It is not organic because an organic compound must contain both carbon and hydrogen and carbon dioxide only contains carbon.

Cells continually generate carbon dioxide and must get rid of it The mechanism by which carbon dioxide moves out of the cell is by?

simple diffusion

Is carbon dioxide odourless and colourless?

carbon dioxide is odourless but its not colourless because if its a liquid you must be able 2 see it