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Q: In lipids what does it mean to hydrogenated a lipid?
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What are hydrogenated lipids?

Hydrogenated lipids are also known as fats or oils. Hydrogenated lipids were treated with hydrogen and are not as healthy as other alternatives.

What are solid lipids at room temperature?

Any lipid that is hydrogenated. Having single carbon carbon bonds lets all the hydrogen bond and allows the lipid to remain a solid at room temperature.

What is Another name for fats?

A lipid. A lipid.

Steroid means what in biology-?

Steroid refers to the group name for lipids that contain a hydrogenated cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene ring system.

What are the of a lipids?

Glycerol is a monomer of a lipid.

What is lipid used for?

what are lipids used for

Is gluecose a lipid?

No, glucose is not a lipid. Glucose is actually one of the building blocks of lipids, that is to say that glucose is one of the components from which lipids are made.

Is salt considered a lipid?

No, lipids are fats.

Are steroids carbohydrates?

No, steroids are lipids.

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How do alcohols and chloroform dissolve lipids?

Alcohols and chloroform can dissolve lipids due to their ability to form hydrogen bonds with lipid molecules. Alcohols have hydroxyl groups that can interact with the hydrophilic head groups of lipids, while chloroform can disrupt lipid-lipid interactions due to its nonpolar nature, allowing lipids to dissolve in it.

What type of lipid is crisco?

Crisco is a vegetable shortening made from partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. It is primarily composed of triglycerides, which are a type of lipid.