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Q: In females the development of the secondary sex characteristics is caused by the secretion of the hormone?
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Hormone involved in secondary sex characteristics in females?

Estrogen is the hormone primarily involved in the development of secondary sex characteristics in females. It plays a key role in breast development, widening of hips, and regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Will progesterone develop secondary sexual organs at puberty in a female?

No, progesterone does not play a significant role in the development of secondary sexual organs in females during puberty. The primary hormones involved in the development of secondary sexual characteristics in females are estrogen and testosterone.

What hormones are responsible for the secondary sex traits in males and females?

In males, testosterone is the primary hormone responsible for the development of secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair, deep voice, and muscle mass. In females, estrogen is the key hormone that contributes to the development of secondary sex traits like breast development, wider hips, and body fat distribution.

What are the secondary physical characteristics?

Secondary physical characteristics are physical traits that develop during puberty, such as facial hair in males, breast development in females, and changes in body shape. These characteristics are typically related to sexual maturation and differentiation between genders.

When do females develop secondary sexual characteristics?

Females typically develop secondary sexual characteristics during puberty, which is around ages 8 to 13 on average. These include changes such as the growth of breasts, development of body hair, and changes in body shape.

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Hormone involved in secondary sex characteristics in females?

Estrogen is the hormone primarily involved in the development of secondary sex characteristics in females. It plays a key role in breast development, widening of hips, and regulation of the menstrual cycle.

What is the hormones is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics of females?

Estrogen is the primary hormone responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics in females, including breast development, widening of hips, and growth of pubic and underarm hair.

Hormone drive development of secondary sex characteristics?

Hormones such as testosterone and estrogen drive the development of secondary sex characteristics during puberty. These hormones are responsible for physical changes like breast development and facial hair growth, which differentiate males and females.

What hormones are responsible for the secondary sex traits in males and females?

In males, testosterone is the primary hormone responsible for the development of secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair, deep voice, and muscle mass. In females, estrogen is the key hormone that contributes to the development of secondary sex traits like breast development, wider hips, and body fat distribution.

What are the secondary physical characteristics?

Secondary physical characteristics are physical traits that develop during puberty, such as facial hair in males, breast development in females, and changes in body shape. These characteristics are typically related to sexual maturation and differentiation between genders.

Is estrogen an acid?

No, estrogen is a steroid and a lipid.

What is Secondary sex characteristics?

Secondary sex characteristics are physical attributes that develop during puberty in humans and other animals, which differentiate between male and female sexes. Examples include facial hair and deepened voice in males, and breast development and widened hips in females. These characteristics are influenced by hormones and are not directly involved in reproduction.

What is the secondary sexual characteristics of the human?

In humans, visible secondary sex characteristics include enlarged breasts of females and facial hair and adam's apple on males.

What endocrine galens are responsible for the development ogf secondary sexual characteristics in humans?

Hypothalamus act on pituitarx gland which releases GnRH and LH harmone which in turn act on testicles in males and ovary in females which cause to release testostetorone in males and estrogen ,progesterone in females which are responsible for secondary sexual charecters

What are some secondary male sex characteristics?

They are sometimes as interested in other males as in females....

What development sex characteristics cause girls to look like women and boys to look like men?

Secondary sex characteristics (for example, breasts in females and facial hair and Adam's apple in males) appear in puberty and distinguish the sexes.

What is the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics?

Primary characteristics involve the organs for reproduction. Males have testicles, females uterus. Secondary characteristics involve traits characterized by hormonal changes such as the differences due to puberty. Examples include breasts, facial hair, the growth of pubic hair and underarm hair.