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Q: In burning methane gas an exothermic reaction?
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What type of chemical reaction burns natural gas?

The burning of natural gas involves a chemical reaction known as combustion. This exothermic reaction involves the natural gas (mostly methane) combining with oxygen from the air to produce carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat energy.

Is burning gasoline an exothermic process or an endothermic process?

Solid to gas (sublimation) is endothermic (takes in heat).In other words:A phase change from the solid state to the gas state is endothermic.Sublimation is endothermic (takes in energy).Heat energy must be provided to make it work.When there is a change of state from a solid to a liquid, a solid to a gas, or a liquid to a gas, at a constant temperature, the process is endothermic NOT exothermic. It requires energy to break the intermolecular forces that keep the molecules together, and that reduces the temperature - heat is taken in.

Why do we use methane gas for burning in gas fires?

Methane gas is highly flammable which makes it a good fuel source for gas burning.

Is evaporating always an exothermic reaction?

No, evaporating is not always an exothermic reaction. Evaporation is the process of a liquid turning into a gas, and whether it is exothermic or endothermic depends on the specific conditions such as temperature and pressure.

Natural gas is methaneCH4 it is burned in a Bunsen burner complete the word equation for the chemical reaction in the clear blue flame?

Methane + oxygen gas ------> carbon dioxide and water(CH4 + 2 02 ------> C02 + 2 H20 )

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Is the combustion of methane endo or exothermic reaction?

Let's think about what happens in the combustion of methane. Take natural gas for example (methane) used to heat homes, or used in stoves. The product is heat, therefore heat is given off. Therefore EXOTHERMIC.

Classify the burning of natural gasses in exothermic or endothermic changes?

The burning of natural gases is an exothermic reaction. This is because it releases energy in the form of heat and light during the combustion process.

What is burning methane?

Burning methane is a chemical reaction where methane gas (CH4) is combined with oxygen (O2) to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). This reaction releases energy in the form of heat and light, making it a common method for generating heat or electricity. However, burning methane also produces carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to climate change.

Is the burning of methane gas in a cooker a physical or chemical change?

The burning of methane gas in a cooker is a chemical change. In this reaction, methane reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and heat energy. This results in a new substance being formed with different chemical properties than the original methane gas.

Is burning methane a physical or chemical change?

Burning methane is a chemical change because it involves a chemical reaction between methane and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. This reaction results in the formation of new substances with different properties from the original methane gas.

Is burning gasoline an exothermic process or an endothermic process?

Solid to gas (sublimation) is endothermic (takes in heat).In other words:A phase change from the solid state to the gas state is endothermic.Sublimation is endothermic (takes in energy).Heat energy must be provided to make it work.When there is a change of state from a solid to a liquid, a solid to a gas, or a liquid to a gas, at a constant temperature, the process is endothermic NOT exothermic. It requires energy to break the intermolecular forces that keep the molecules together, and that reduces the temperature - heat is taken in.

Why do we use methane gas for burning in gas fires?

Methane gas is highly flammable which makes it a good fuel source for gas burning.

Is burning gas a chemical reaction?

Yes, burning gas is a chemical reaction. It involves the combustion of hydrocarbons present in the gas (such as methane) with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat. This process is a chemical reaction where bonds are broken and new ones are formed.

Chemical reaction - Methane combusting with fluorine?

The chemical reaction of methane (CH4) combusting with fluorine (F2) results in the production of hydrogen fluoride gas (HF) and carbon tetrafluoride gas (CF4). This reaction is highly exothermic and requires energy input to initiate the combustion. It proceeds rapidly and releases a large amount of heat.

Why is chacoal burning is a chemical change?

Burning charcoal is a chemical change because it involves a chemical reaction where the charcoal combines with oxygen in the air to form new substances like carbon dioxide and ash. This reaction results in the release of heat and light energy, fundamentally altering the physical and chemical properties of the charcoal.

What other chemical reaction is found in methane gas?

Methane gas is a compound; you think probable to the combustion of methane.

Is burning natural gas in a clothes dryer exothermic?

Yes, exothermic means that there is heat in the "project."