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The organs take up four-fifths of the eel's body, and are capable of generating both low-level and high-level shocks.

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1mo ago

Approximately 80% of an electric eel's body is occupied by organs known as electrocytes, which are responsible for generating electric shocks. These electrocytes are bundled together in specialized structures called electric organs, located mainly in the fish's tail region.

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Q: In an electric eel how much of its body holds the organs that make the electric shock?
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What causes Electric shock injuries?

Electric shock injuries are caused by lightning or electric current from a mechanical source passing through the body

A woman experiences an electric shock The electrons making the shock come from where?

The electrons from the electric shock come from the flow of electrons through a conductive material, such as a wire or electrical appliance. When the woman comes into contact with the electric source, this flow of electrons passes through her body, causing the electric shock.

What is the difference from static shock and electric shock?

Static shock is a sudden discharge of static electricity, often felt as a mild tingling or stinging sensation when touching an object. Electric shock, on the other hand, is the flow of electric current through a person's body, which can result in injury or even death depending on the intensity and duration of the shock. Static shock is generally harmless, while electric shock can be dangerous.

What substance plays a role in maintaining healthy hair and skin and insulates body organs from shock?

Collagen is the substance that plays a role in maintaining healthy hair and skin, as well as insulating body organs from shock. It is a protein that provides structure and support to the body's tissues.

Do lipids cushion organs against shock?

Yes, lipids can serve as a cushioning layer around organs to protect them from shock or trauma. Adipose tissue, which is rich in lipids, is found around many organs in the body and provides a protective function by absorbing and distributing mechanical forces.

Related questions

What determines the damage caused to the human body by an electric shock?

You experience an electric shock when an electric current enters your body. A current can enter your body when you accidentally become part of an electric circuit. Whether you recieve a deadly shock depends on the amount of current that flows into your body. Answered on: October 24, 2011.

What factors determine the severity of electric shock on the human body?

The conductability situation of the object of study determins the severity of electric shock on the human body.

What causes Electric shock injuries?

Electric shock injuries are caused by lightning or electric current from a mechanical source passing through the body

What is the thin tissue that holds the organs in place in the body cavity in frogs?

The thin tissue that holds the organs in place in the body cavity of frogs is called the mesentery. It attaches the internal organs to the body wall and provides support and stability for the organs within the abdominal cavity.

A woman experiences an electric shock The electrons making the shock come from where?

The electrons from the electric shock come from the flow of electrons through a conductive material, such as a wire or electrical appliance. When the woman comes into contact with the electric source, this flow of electrons passes through her body, causing the electric shock.

Which body part other body organs?

The backbone holds other body organs while the skin covers all body parts.

What determines how severe an electric shock will be?

The severity of an electric shock is determined by the amount of current that passes through the body, the path the current takes, and the duration of the shock. Factors such as voltage, resistance of the body, and individual health can also influence how severe the shock will be.

What do people often do when they get electric shock?

When people get electric shocks their body often convulses.

What portion of the body holds all the major organs?


How do a person die due to electric shock?

You cannot die from the normal shock that you get when you rub the floor and then touch a light switch, etc. The amount of electrical current that is sent through your body is harmless and will do no permanent damage to you or your organs. The shock you have to worry about is the one you would receive from getting struck by lightning.

What is the difference from static shock and electric shock?

Static shock is a sudden discharge of static electricity, often felt as a mild tingling or stinging sensation when touching an object. Electric shock, on the other hand, is the flow of electric current through a person's body, which can result in injury or even death depending on the intensity and duration of the shock. Static shock is generally harmless, while electric shock can be dangerous.

Is it true that severity of an electric shock depends on the amount of current?

Yes, the severity of an electric shock is primarily determined by the amount of current passing through the body. Higher currents can cause more damage to tissues and vital organs, leading to more severe injuries or even death. Voltage also plays a role as it determines how easily current can flow through the body.