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Q: In amoebas what structure helps the organism move and feed?
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Is Amoeba an organism?

Yes, amoeba is an organism. It is a single-celled microorganism belonging to the group of protozoans. Amoebas can move and feed by engulfing food particles using pseudopods.

What are amoebas classified as?

Amoebas are classified as protists, belonging to the kingdom Protista. They are single-celled organisms that move and feed by using pseudopods, which are temporary projections of their cytoplasm.

Is amoeba a parasite or free-living?


What are characteristics of amoeba?

Amoebas are single-celled organisms with a flexible cell membrane that allows them to change shape. They move by extending and retracting pseudopods, or "false feet." Amoebas are found in various aquatic environments and feed on bacteria and other small organisms.

What is a disadvantage of how the amoebas move and feed?

One disadvantage of how amoebas move and feed is that their method of engulfing food particles through phagocytosis can be energy-intensive and time-consuming. This process requires a significant amount of energy and can limit the amount of food that can be consumed efficiently.

What eats Amoebas?

Amoeba are protozoans. They eat algae and other protozoans. Protozoans are eaten by zooplankton in the marine environment.

What is an Amoebas environment like?

Amoebas are found in various environments such as freshwater, soil, and marine habitats. They thrive in moist conditions with abundant organic material to feed on. Amoebas are adaptable and can tolerate different pH levels and temperatures.

What do flagellates ciliates and amoebas have in ommon?

Flagellates, ciliates, and amoebas are all types of protists that belong to the kingdom Protista. They are single-celled organisms that can move and feed in various ways. Flagellates have flagella for movement, ciliates have cilia, and amoebas move through pseudopods.

Organism that must feed on another organism in the environment?

A Predator.

Where is the amoeba found in the protista?

Amoebas are found in the phylum Protozoa within the kingdom Protista. They are commonly found in freshwater environments, soil, and marine habitats. Amoebas are known for their ability to move and feed by extending their cell membrane.

Are amoeba plant like?

No, amoebas are not plants. They are single-celled organisms belonging to the group Protists. Amoebas are known for their ability to move and feed by extending their cell membrane in a process called phagocytosis.

Interaction in which one organism captures and feed on another organism?
