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Q: In addition to being necessary for respiration also provides UV radiation protection?
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What does cellular respiration release in addition to energy?

Cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide and water as byproducts in addition to energy in the form of ATP.

Which body system in addition to respiration does the nasal cavity service?

in addition to the respiratory syste, what system does the nasal cavity service

Did Jefferson argue with the necessary addition to the constitution and why?

Yes, Jefferson argued with the necessary addition to the constitution. This is because he felt he had to protect the people from the abuses of power and government.

In addition to ATP anaerobic respiration produces?

ATP as quickly as creatine phosphate. ... Aerobic respiration is the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen toproducecarbon dioxide, water, and ATP.

How do plants give animals protection?

Plants give animals protection by providing some form of shelter in addition food and oxygen

How is aerobic respiration similar to photosynthesis?

Both aerobic respiration and photosynthesis involve the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide). Both processes require the use of electron transport chains to generate ATP. Additionally, both processes involve the creation and utilization of a proton gradient across a membrane to generate energy.

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Where can one find reviews on virus protection programs?

One can find reviews on virus protection programs on the official websites of the virus protection program providers. In addition, one can find reviews on blogspots.

What are the advantages of the contraceptive implant?

The advantages of the contraceptive implant are the very best, most reliable pregnancy protection. In addition, the implant doesn't require the patient to do anything to get protection.

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It is simply type of small addition of other foreign particle's with high energy of radiation...

Are lightning rods necessary?

Lightning rods can help protect structures by providing a path for lightning to follow safely to the ground, reducing the risk of damage from lightning strikes. While not mandatory, they can be a valuable addition to a building's lightning protection system in areas prone to thunderstorms.

What is necessary Condition for addition of Vectors?

All you have to do is place the tip of one on the tail of the other.