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Q: In a laboratory experiment John uses a mesh to separate soil particles from water. Which technique of separation is he using?
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What is the principle of magnetic separation?

Magnetic separation is technique used in metallurgyfor the concentration of ore particles. The principle of this method is that the magnetic ore particles can be separated from non magnetic impurities (gangue) or viceversa.

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What separation technique would you use for salt particles?

One common technique for separating salt particles is evaporation. By dissolving the salt in water, then allowing the water to evaporate, the salt particles will be left behind. Another technique is filtration, where a porous material is used to separate the salt particles from the liquid.

Is milling considered a separation technique?

As an isolated process milling is not a separation technique.

Which separation technique is used to separate water from an insoluble solid?

Filtration is the separation technique used to separate water from an insoluble solid. The mixture is passed through a filter paper or sieve, which traps the solid particles while allowing the water to pass through.

Which separation technique can be used to remove sand from seawater?

Filtering is the best and simplest method.By sieving small particles remain in water.

What are other words you could use for chromatography?

Separation technique, analytical separation, molecular separation, chemical separation.

The laboratory process of distillation does not involve?

The laboratory process of distillation does not involve chemical reactions. It is a physical separation technique based on the differences in boiling points of the substances being separated.

How can you separate iron from liquid of clay?

Iron can be separated from a liquid clay solution by employing a magnetic separation technique. Since iron is magnetic, passing a magnet over the solution will attract the iron particles, allowing for their separation from the liquid clay.

What type of separation is used when panning gold?

Panning gold involves a physical separation method known as gravity separation. This technique takes advantage of the difference in density between gold and other materials to separate them by allowing the heavier gold particles to settle to the bottom while lighter materials are washed away.

What separation technique is used on evaporated milk?


At the end of an experiment what does the conclusion state?

The conclusions tell why the data support or reject the hypothesis.