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Q: In a eukaryotic cell in which structure are proteins made ribosome lysosome mitochondrion nucleus?
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What is the name of a round structure that makes proteins in cells?

The ribosomes are the site where proteins are synthesized.

What do ribosmoes in the eukaryotic cell do?

Same thing they do in all cells they are in; synthesize proteins. The just differ in subunit structure between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

What structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells made of DNA?

Chromosomes are the structures in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells that are made of DNA. They contain genes that carry the genetic information of an organism. Chromosomes are responsible for the inheritance of traits from one generation to the next.

Can mitochondrion produce proteins?

No; it synthesizes ATP.

Which activity occurs in mitochondrion?

Proteins are made

What is like the mitochondrion?

The mitochondrion is the "power house" of a cell and produces ATP to store proteins that give the cell its energy.

Sites where there is a peptide bond in a eukaryotic cell?

Peptide bonds are found in eukaryotic cells primarily within the structure of proteins. These peptide bonds link amino acids together to form long chains that constitute a protein's structure and function. They can be found in the cytoplasm, on ribosomes during protein synthesis, and throughout the cell where proteins are present.

Organelle in animal cells where enzymes break down large molecules into smaller molecules?

The organelle in animal cells responsible for breaking down large molecules into smaller molecules is the lysosome. Lysosomes contain various hydrolytic enzymes that facilitate the breakdown of macromolecules like proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates into their smaller components. This process aids in cellular digestion and recycling of cellular components.

Do Eukaryotic cells differ from each animal?

Yes and no. They will all have the same basic structure and organelles but will differ mainly in the types of proteins that they produce.

Which structure in eukaryotic cell sorts and trasports proteins?

The Golgi apparatus is the structure in eukaryotic cells responsible for sorting, modifying, and packaging proteins for transportation to their final destination within the cell or outside of the cell.

How does lysosome function?

lysosomes produce powerful enzymes which digest proteins

Which structure within an animal cell recycles worn-out cell parts?

The structure within an animal cell that recycles worn-out cell parts is the lysosome. Lysosomes contain enzymes that break down old organelles, proteins, and other cellular components into their basic building blocks, which can then be reused by the cell to make new molecules.