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symbiosis or a symbiotic relationship

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Q: In Which type of ecological relationship does one organism benefit while not hurting or harming the other?
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Relationship where one organism attacks and eats part of a host organism harming that organism?

If the organism are alive, it is called parasitism.

When an organism benefits by harming another the relationship is referred to as?

parasite or predator

What is commenlism?

Commensalism is a type of ecological relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed. It is a form of symbiosis where one species benefits from the relationship without affecting the other. An example of commensalism is a barnacle attaching itself to a whale for transportation and protection without harming the whale.

A relationship between two organism in which one benefits and the other is not affected?

A relationship in which one organism benefits without affecting the other is called commensalism. In this type of symbiosis, one organism benefits by using the resources of the other organism without causing harm or receiving any benefit in return. An example of this is the relationship between barnacles and whales, where barnacles attach to the whalesโ€™ skin for transportation and food without harming the whales.

What is the difference between a parasite and a symbiont?

A parasite is an organism that lives on or in another organism (the host) and benefits at the host's expense, potentially harming the host. A symbiont is an organism that lives in a close relationship with another organism (the host) from which it may benefit, and the relationship can be mutually beneficial or neutral for both parties.

How would you define commensalism?

Commensalism is a type of symbiotic relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits without harming the other. One organism benefits, while the other is not significantly affected by the relationship.

What is commensalism-biology?

Commensalism is a type of symbiotic relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed. The organism that benefits is known as the commensal, while the other organism is called the host. An example of commensalism is the relationship between barnacles and whales, where barnacles attach themselves to a whale's skin and benefit from the transportation and food availability provided by the whale without harming it.

What is an example of commensalism in humans?

An example of commensalism in humans is the relationship between the bacteria in our gut and our own bodies. The bacteria benefit from living in our gut and aiding in digestion, while we are not significantly affected by their presence.

What relationship is one organism harmed?

In a parasitic relationship, one organism benefits at the expense of the other, harming the host organism. Parasites rely on their hosts for nutrients and resources, which can negatively impact the host's health and survival.

What is amensalism in ecology?

Amensalism is, by an action, harming or killing another organism. For example, Penicillum (bread mold) secretes penicillin, which kills bacterica. Or when herds of Wildebeast run across grass are killing it. Hope this helps :)

What does commensalism parasitism mutualism have in common?

Difference between commensalism, parasitism, and mutualism

How is symbiotic relationship different from predators prey relationship?

A symbiotic relationship involves 2 species livingtogether. Mutualism is when both benefit. Commensalism is when one benefits without harming the other. Parasitism is when one species benefits while harming--but not killing--the other. An example of parasitism would be a tick on a dog. If the dog died, it would stop pumping blood for the tick to consume. In predator-prey relationships, most often one party must die for the other to benefit.