

Imprinting is what?

Updated: 5/26/2024
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15y ago

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Imprinting is a special form of learning in which an animal's nervous system is rigidly programmed to learn a certain thing only at a certain period of development. It combines conditioning with insight learning.


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14y ago
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1mo ago

Imprinting is a rapid learning process that occurs early in an animal's life, during which it forms strong attachments to a particular individual or object. This phenomenon is commonly seen in birds and mammals and can have a significant influence on their social behavior and relationships later in life.

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15y ago

When a sexy mythical werewolf guy falls randomly and suddenly into deep, everlasting love with your newborn mutant cross-breed vampire demon child. Supposedly the werewolf eternally adores and protects the object of its devotions. It also supposedly occurs without any will of the werewolf.

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13y ago

In imprinting, certain newly hatched birds and newborn mammals recognize and follow the first moving object they see. Imprinting involves a combination of instinct and learning.

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14y ago

If you mean what causes the wolves to imprint, the wolf has to look into the eyes of their soul mate to be able to imprint!

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What is the answer for compare and contrast imprinting and conditioning?

Conditioning is practice and learning. imprinting is like how a duck knows to follow its mother right when its born.

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