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you need a solid 48 hours at least between arm workouts, biceps inparticular. They are a small muscel group and very easly overtrained. If your doing arms on day 2, chest on day3 and shoulders on 4, your really working your arms 3 days in a row, that's too much. Personally I would work all upper body day 1 (I do bench, Rows, bicep curls, tricept pulldowns, and shrugs), all lower body day 2 and rest on day 3. In addition, try and do a combination of complex and isolation exersizes. For example, rows work your shoulders, back, and biceps, while biceps curls isolate your biceps. Do two unrelated exersizes back to back (ex. beceps curls / cable pulldown) and then rest for 1-2 min between your next 2 sets. Your abs on the other hand can be worked just about every day with no adverse effects.

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Working out each body part once a week with that schedule allows for ample rest and recovery between each muscle group. However, targeting each muscle group more than once a week can lead to better muscle growth and strength gains. Consider incorporating more frequency for each muscle group for optimal results.

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Q: If you work out 7 days a week Abs on day 1 Arms on day 2 Back and Chest on day 3 Legs on day 4 Shoulders on day 5 Abs on day 6 Arms on day 7 and so on is that too much rest between body parts?
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