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It depends which direction you're facing, it has nothing to do with where on the planet you are.

WRONG ANSWER! Regardless of WHERE you are, or WHICH way you are looking, the compass needle will point to the NORTH. Not to the NORTH POLE mind you, but to the MAGNETIC NORTH, which is a little bit off from the TRUE NORTH and also MOVES a little bit every year. This is called VARIATION and depending on where you are, the TRUE NORTH may be to the right or to the left of where the compass needle points. Your reading will also be a little bit off to one side or the other, depending on which direction the needle is pointing (hey, nobody's perfect), but this is predictable and can be measured when the compass is calibrated (a process called swinging the compass). This is called COMPASS DEVIATION (don't think deviate now...) Another change may happen if you are going from West to East or viceversa AND you are accelerating or deccelerating, in which case the needle will lag. Last but not least, if you have any kind of magnetic interference near the compass, like a screwdriver with a magnetic tip, oh well then... the needle may be pointing God knows where.
north because that's what way compasses point.

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1mo ago

The needle of a compass in Uruguay would typically point to the north, as it aligns with the Earth's magnetic field.

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The needle on a compass is always pointing to what pole?

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The force keeping the compass needle pointing north is the Earth's magnetic field. The needle aligns with the magnetic field lines, indicating the direction of magnetic north.

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If the needle of the compass points directly to your left, it means you are facing north. The needle of a compass always aligns with the Earth's magnetic field, with the red end pointing towards the magnetic north pole and the white (or non-red) end pointing towards the magnetic south pole.

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The force acting on a magnetic compass needle represents the Earth's magnetic field. The needle aligns itself with the magnetic field lines, pointing towards the North and South magnetic poles. This alignment allows the compass needle to indicate the direction of North.

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A compass needle aligns itself with the Earth's magnetic field, pointing towards the magnetic North Pole. When the compass is moved or rotated, the needle remains aligned with the magnetic field, causing it to change direction accordingly.

How do you describe how a compass needle aligns itself?

A compass needle aligns itself with Earth's magnetic field, which causes it to point towards the Earth's magnetic poles. The needle behaves like a tiny magnet, with one end pointing towards the magnetic North Pole and the other end pointing towards the magnetic South Pole.

How does a compess work?

the compass needle points north and just say it was pointing at the s for south it means the south is really north. the compass is held differently

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When the current in the wire is switched off, the magnetic field around the wire collapses. This change in the magnetic field causes the compass needle to return to its original position pointing towards the Earth's magnetic north.

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The poles of a magnetized needle on a compass align themselves with the Earth's magnetic field, pointing towards the magnetic north and south poles. This alignment helps the needle to indicate the direction of north.

What happens to the compass needle when current in the wire is switched off?

It will return to pointing North.