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1mo ago

If you were at the North Pole, you would be standing on sea ice floating on the Arctic Ocean. Beneath the sea ice at the North Pole is thousands of feet of water.

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Q: If you were at the north pole what would you be standing on?
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What is the temprature in the north pole?

depends where you are standing in the north pole. If you were standing near the coast it would be a lot warmer than on one of the north poles mountains

If you were standing at the earths north pole which would be located in the zenith?

If you were standing at Earth's North Pole, the North Star, also known as Polaris, would be located directly in the zenith, or straight overhead. This is because Polaris is situated very close to the celestial north pole in the night sky.

Where would you be standing if you where standing on the northernmost point on the earths surface?

the north pole

If you were standing at the south pole which way would you leave?

Head north.

If you were standing on the north pole what direction would you be looking?

If you were standing on the North Pole, you would be looking south in any direction you faced.

If you were standing on the north pole how many circumpolar stars would you see?

If you were standing on the North Pole, you would be able to see all the circumpolar stars in the sky. Circumpolar stars are the stars that never set and orbit around the celestial pole. At the North Pole, they would constantly circle around Polaris, the North Star, without dipping below the horizon.

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If you were standing at the north pole which way would you face?

Every direction you face would be South

What is the only direction a person can travel from the south Pole.?

If you are standing precisely at the South pole, you can only travel north.

If you are facing the North Pole what direction is on your left?

If you were standing exactly at the North Pole, the only possible direction you would be able to travel would be south.

If you were standing at the south pole which way would you have to travel to leave?

The only way you COULD go would be north.

What are the altitudes of the North Pole and the South Pole?

When you stand at the North Pole, you're standing on Arctic sea ice -- sea level. When you stand at the South Pole, you're standing on about 9,000 feet -- 2,700 meters -- of ice.