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No, raid contains some very harsh chemicals which spread to poisen things, so the honey is poisenes.

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1mo ago

No, it is not safe to consume honey from a hive that has been sprayed with Raid or any other insecticide. The chemicals could contaminate the honey, making it harmful for consumption. It is important to avoid using insecticides near beehives to protect the bees and their honey.

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Q: If you sprayed raid on a honey bee hive can you still eat the honey?
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How honey formed?

Honey is formed when bees collect nectar from flowers and store it in their honey stomach, where enzymes break down the complex sugars into simple sugars. Once back at the hive, the bees deposit the nectar into honeycomb cells and fan it with their wings to evaporate the water content, resulting in thick, sweet honey. Over time, the enzymes present in the honey further transform the sugars, making it a stable food source for the hive.

Can raid kill flies?

yes, if you get the Raid for flies and mosquitoes. It does work and keeps working if new flies enter the sprayed area.

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When their natural food supplies dry up, wasps can be hungry enough to raid a honey bee hive in order to get to the honey stores. An individual wasp will easily be repelled by the guard bees, but a concerted attack by a large number of wasps can succeed in gaining entry and the result will be a lot of dead bees -- and dead wasps.

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paid, raid, decayed, sprayed, laid, made, invade, parade

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you should throw it out

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Do bees have any threats?

Yes they do. They have parasites (veroa) and other insects predate them. Also bears and honey badgers come and raid their nests for the honey. They defend themselves with their sings.

Huge wasp hive on your front porch what do you do?

i know what you mean take some raid wasp and hornet killer and zap it for about five seconds if you didnt get the whole nest then run for it

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Kinkajous are sometimes called honey bears because they raid bees' nests. They use their long, skinny tongues to slurp honey from a hive, and also to remove insects like termites from their nests. Kinkajous also eat fruit and small mammals, which they snare with their nimble front paws and sharp claws. They roam and eat at night, and return each morning to sleep in previously used tree holes. United Nations Farms

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Diurnal woodpeckers often create nests in trees, which honey badgers will climb to raid the nest.

A viking raid from the point of view from a raid survivor?

The raid survivor would have thought that the vikings were pirates that wanted to steal everything from well off lands just because the thought they were poor; but they were not. The would have felt anxious for the raid to get over; if the raid was still occurring, and worried for the future of their country.