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Yes there would because alcohol is already a chemical plus your burning it at a high velocity.

I think we should assume the alcohol is not burning. Even so, the answer is yes, mainly because the alcohol is not as hot as the water, so it has less heat to burn you with. The water burns you more than the alcohol does.

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Boiling alcohol can cause a burn similar to boiling water, but alcohol can evaporate quickly, potentially limiting the duration of contact and therefore reducing the severity of the burn compared to boiling water. However, alcohol can also ignite and cause a fire hazard, so it's important to treat any burn promptly and seek medical attention if needed.

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Q: If you spilled boiling alcohol on yourself would there be any difference in the severity of that burn compared with the burn caused by boiling water?
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What is the main difference of Bunsen burner to alcohol lamp?

The main difference between a Bunsen burner and an alcohol lamp is the type of fuel they use. A Bunsen burner typically uses natural gas or propane, while an alcohol lamp burns ethanol or other alcohol-based fuels. Bunsen burners provide a hotter flame and more control over the temperature compared to alcohol lamps.

Which shows maximum hydrogen bonding with it methyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol?

Ethyl alcohol shows maximum hydrogen bonding with water because it has an additional -CH2 group compared to methyl alcohol, providing more sites for hydrogen bonding with water molecules.

What is a solution in which alcohol as the solvent called?

A solution in alcohol is called a tincture.

What is the difference between ethyl and isopropyl alcohol?

ethanol has the formula C2H5OH and is suitable for consumption by humans,isopropyl alcohol(C3H8O) is an isomer of propanol with the OH alcohol functional group on the second carbon as opposed to at the end of the chain as normal,whats marketed as isopropyl alcohol(rubbing alcohol) in America actually contains no isopropyl alcohol as far as i know,just denatured ethanol.isopropyl aclohol is a skin irritant and is metabolised to acetone in the body,it is about twice as toxic as ethanol

Do woman lack an enzyme to break down alcohol?

No, women do not lack an enzyme to break down alcohol. Both men and women possess the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase necessary to metabolize alcohol, but women tend to have lower levels of this enzyme compared to men. As a result, women typically experience higher blood alcohol levels than men after consuming the same amount of alcohol.

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The severity of this increases with alcohol use?

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Post Head injury and the effects of alcohol?

Alcohol tends to reduce the severity of head injuries.

Bob and Tim both drink two beers What factor could cause a difference in the concentration of alcohol in their blood?

A factor that could cause a difference in the concentration of alcohol in their blood is their body weight. If Bob weighs more than Tim, the alcohol may be distributed in a larger volume of body water, resulting in a lower concentration of alcohol in Bob's blood compared to Tim's.

Does Alcohol have a high density?

Yes, alcohol has a high density compared to water. The density of alcohol is around 0.79 g/cm3, while water has a density of 1 g/cm3. This means that alcohol will sink in water.

How much alcohol will diluted with water?

The impact of drinking alcohol depends upon the quantity of alcohol that you drink. If you are also drinking water along with your alcohol, that does not alter the impact of the alcohol (although it can reduce the severity of the subsequent hangover).

What is the main difference of Bunsen burner to alcohol lamp?

The main difference between a Bunsen burner and an alcohol lamp is the type of fuel they use. A Bunsen burner typically uses natural gas or propane, while an alcohol lamp burns ethanol or other alcohol-based fuels. Bunsen burners provide a hotter flame and more control over the temperature compared to alcohol lamps.

Has coke got alcohol in it?

no! it used to have cocaine, but now it does not. it only has alcohol if you add it yourself.

Does the beverage monster have an alcohol?

no monster does not contain any sorces of alcohol the only way there would be alcohol is if you put it in by yourself

How many young people does alcohol kill compared to other drugs?

Alcohol is a drug, just a legal one

What is the adhesive difference between rubbing alcohol and water?

Water contains no alcohol or oils, as rubbing alcohol does.

What's the difference between green rubbing alcohol vs white rubbing alcohol?

No beneficial difference other than the odor.

Are shots as much as drinks?

Shots ARE drinks - a shot is the measurement of alcohol. Don't kid yourself that there's a difference - they all contain the same amount of alcohol, and yes, they cost the same unless the other drink has different alcohols added to the first one.