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Combustion is a hemical reaction.

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Combustion is a chemical reaction.

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Combustion is a chemical reaction.

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Q: If you say 'oxygen gas supports combustion' are you talking about a chemical or physical reaction?
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Is Supports combustion a physical or chemical or property?

Chemical property

What property of matter supports combustion?

The property of matter that supports combustion is its ability to undergo a chemical reaction with oxygen, releasing heat and light energy in the process. This reaction is typically exothermic and generates enough energy to sustain the combustion process.

When oxygen gas supports combustion is it called physical or chemical change?

When oxygen gas supports combustion, it is considered a chemical change. This is because a new substance is formed through the reaction between oxygen and the fuel, resulting in the release of heat and light.

Is supports combustion chemical property?

is supports combustion is a chemical properties

Is supporting combustion a chemical property?

is supports combustion is a chemical properties

What is the personality of oxygen?

Oxygen doesn't have a personality as it is a chemical element. It is a colorless, odorless gas that is essential for life and supports combustion.

What is the relationship of the oxygen and fire?

Oxygen supports combustion in fire by acting as a reactant in the chemical reaction that produces heat and light. Without oxygen, most fires cannot be sustained.

Why is supports combustions a chemical property?

Oxygen supports combustion and undergoes a chemical change in which it becomes incorporated into carbon dioxide and water. CH4 + 2O2 --> CO2 + 2H2O

Is oxygen necessary for burning?

Combustion (or burning) is the reaction between a fuel and any oxidant. So by definition burning requires oxygem, As to why oxygen supports burning because it is very reactive and when any when any chemical is oxidiesed it is an exothermic reaction

Why is it that oxygen helps burning?

Oxygen is vital for combustion because it acts as an oxidizer and allows for the chemical reaction to occur by providing the necessary atoms to combine with the fuel source. This reaction produces heat and light energy, resulting in the burning process. Without oxygen, the combustion process cannot sustain itself.

How does oxygen supports burning?

Oxygen is necessary for burning because it acts as the oxidizing agent in the chemical reaction between the fuel and heat source. When fuel combines with oxygen, it rapidly oxidizes, releasing heat and light energy, resulting in combustion.

What is the name of the chemical which burns in air?

The chemical that burns in air is oxygen. Oxygen is a highly reactive gas that readily supports combustion, which is why it is essential for most combustion processes to occur.