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6.24 US gallons.

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Q: If you have 3 pipe is 17' long. How many gallons does it hold?
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How many feet of 3 pipe hold 5 gallons of water?

About 11.3 feet of 3" pipe can hold 5 gallons of water.

How many gallons of water in a 60 inch pipe ten feet long?

This pipe will hold 1,468.8 gallons of water.

How many gallons of water will a 8 inch pipe that is 20 feet long hold?

To calculate the volume of water that a cylindrical pipe can hold, we can use the formula for the volume of a cylinder: V = πr²h, where r is the radius and h is the height. First, convert the diameter of the pipe from inches to feet: 8 inches = 8/12 feet = 0.67 feet. The radius (r) of the pipe is half the diameter, so r = 0.67/2 = 0.335 feet. Now, we can calculate the volume of water that the pipe can hold: V = π(0.335)²(20) = π(0.112)²(20) ≈ 0.706 ft³. Finally, convert this volume into gallons (1 ft³ = 7.48 gallons): 0.706 ft³ * 7.48 gallons/ft³ ≈ 5.28 gallons. Therefore, the 8-inch pipe that is 20 feet long will hold approximately 5.28 gallons of water.

How many gallons of water in a one and one half inch pipe that is 10 feet long?

A 1.5 inch (diameter) pipe that is 10 feet long can hold approximately 3.32 gallons of water. This calculation is based on the volume of a cylindrical pipe.

How many gallons of water per foot will a 5 inch pipe hold?

A 5-inch pipe will hold approximately 0.36 gallons of water per linear foot. This calculation is based on the formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder (V = πr^2h), where the radius (r) is half the diameter of the pipe (2.5 inches) and the height (h) is 1 foot.