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0.0362 x 1911.9 g = 69.2 g NaOCl (to 3 significant figures based on 0.0362).

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Q: If you have 1911.9 g of a bleach solution. The percent by mass of the solute sodium hypochlorite NaOCl is 3.62. How many grams of NaOCl are in the solution?
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What the percent of mass of the solute . sodium hypochorite is 5.24 percent you have a 2500.0 gm of bleach solution?

The mass of sodium hypochlorite in 2,5 kg solution is 131,25 g.

What Percent of sodium hypochlorite is in ultra bleach?

Ultra bleach typically contains around 5-6% sodium hypochlorite.

What is the percent by mass of the solute sodium hypochlorite is 5.24 percent you have a 2500.0 grams of bleach solution. How many grams of NaCl are in the solution?

If the percent by mass of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) in the bleach solution is 5.24%, then 100% - 5.24% = 94.76% is the water weight. For a 2500.0g solution, the mass of NaClO is 5.24% of 2500g = 131g. Since the remaining mass is water, the mass of NaCl (sodium chloride) in the solution would be zero.

Is bleach acid or alkali?

Bleach is an alkaline solution, typically containing sodium hypochlorite, which makes it basic in nature.

Is sodium hypochlorite a solid liquid or gas?

Sodium hypochlorite is typically a liquid at room temperature. It is commonly used as a bleach or disinfectant.

Is the liquid bleach a metal?

No, it is a solution of sodium hypochlorite (a salt) in water.

What household product is produced by electrolysis of sodium chloride solution?

Sodium hypochlorite, NaClO, bleach

What's is the colour of sodium hypochlorite?

Sodium hypochlorite is a clear, slightly yellowish solution. It is commonly known as bleach and is used for its disinfectant properties.

What acid is found in clorex?

Chlorine is found in Clorox bleach, specifically in the form of sodium hypochlorite. When sodium hypochlorite is mixed with water, it forms hypochlorous acid.

What is the Chemical name for bleach?

The chemical name for bleach is sodium hypochlorite.

What are the elements in liquid bleach?

Liquid bleach typically consists of water, sodium hypochlorite as the active ingredient, and small amounts of stabilizers and surfactants for effectiveness and stability.

What type of acid found in bleach?

The acid found in bleach is typically sodium hypochlorite. This compound is produced when bleach, which is a solution of sodium hydroxide and chlorine gas, reacts. Sodium hypochlorite is a strong oxidizing agent that is effective at disinfecting and whitening surfaces.