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The ideal mechanical advantage of the can opener is calculated as the ratio of the output force to the input force. In this case, it would be 60 newtons (output force) divided by 20 newtons (input force), which equals 3. This means that for every 1 newton of input force applied, the opener can exert 3 newtons of force on the can.

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Q: If you exert a force of 20 newtons on a can opener and the opener exerts a force of 60newton on the can the ideal mechanica advantage of the can opener is?
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How much force does Rudolf exert if he pulls a A kg sleigh with a constant acceleration of 2 M's?

The force Rudolf exerts can be calculated using Newton's second law, which states that force equals mass times acceleration. Therefore, the force Rudolf exerts will be F = ma = A2 = 2A Newtons.

How many newtons is 125 kilogarms?

Newtons is a measure of Force and Kilograms of mass, so this conversion only has sense for a particular gravitational field. On earth's surface a mass of 1 Kg exerts a force a force of approximately 9.8 Newtons, so 125 Kg exert a force of approximately 1225 Newtons. Using the conversion 1 Kg to 10 Newtons is also widely accepted in some fields, so you could approximate it to 1250 N

Which of Newtons laws states that for every force there is an equal force in the opposite direction?

Newton's third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal force in the opposite direction on the first object.

What is the newtons 3 low of motion?

Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts a force of equal magnitude in the opposite direction on the first object.

A 200 lb man exerts 882 Newtons on earth how many Joules is that if he jumps a meter into the air?

To calculate the work done, we multiply force by distance, so in this case: Work = Force x Distance Work = 882 Newtons x 1 meter = 882 Joules Therefore, the man does 882 Joules of work when he jumps a meter into the air on Earth.

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How many newtons is 2029203 kg?

Depends on the force of gravity that exerts on this mass.

a pulley system uses a 250-N force to lift a 2,740-N crate, What is the mechanical advantage of the system?

Answer: Mechanical advantage can be achieved just by adding more loops or pulleys. It is given that to lift a crate, a pulley system exerts a force of 2,740 newtons. It is required to find the mechanical advantage of the pulley system if the input force is 250 newtons What is the mechanical advantage of the pulley system if the exerted force changes from 2,740 newtons to 250 newtons? As if the force does some work, it increases the distance. Mechanical advantage does nothing with the number of pulleys. It only depends on the weight that is to be lift. Also, F1/F2 = 2740/250 = 10.96 The multiple pulleys create mechanical advantage. It can be achieved just by adding more loops or pulleys. Therefore, Mechanical advantage can be achieved just by adding more loops or pulleys.

Two people push on a ball from opposites sides One exerts a force of 80 newtons and the other exerts a force of 60 newtons What is the size of the net force?

The net force is calculated by subtracting the smaller force from the larger force: 80 N - 60 N = 20 N. Therefore, the net force acting on the ball is 20 newtons.

A 200 lb man exerts 882 Newtons on earth how many Joules is that?

Joules is the unit of work being done. A 200 Ib man exerts 882 Newtons is not getting any work done. If 882 Newtons, which is the force, was multiplied by 0 movement, then the 200 Ib man is exerting 0 joules.

What is a measure of the force that gravity exerts on an object?

The weight of an object is a measure of the force that gravity exerts on it. It is typically measured in newtons or pounds.

How many newtons are there in 1 Kgwt?

There are 9.81 newtons in 1 kilogram-force (kgwt) when on Earth's surface, as gravity exerts a force of 9.81 m/s^2 on a mass of 1 kg.

How much does a kilogram weigh?

A kilogram weighs a kilogram or, exerts a force of around 9.8 Newtons on Earth at ground level.

A baseball is hit with 1500 N of force The ball exerts a reaction force against the bat of?

As per Isaac Newton, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Hence, the force that the bat exerts on the ball is the same as the force that the ball exerts on the bat; in this case, 1500 Newtons.

How much force does a ball exert on the bat if it is hit with a force of 8 newtons?

The ball exerts an equal and opposite force of 8 newtons on the bat, according to Newton's third law of motion. So, the force exerted by the ball on the bat is also 8 newtons.

What is 10kg weight in newtons?

10 kg is equivalent to 98.1 newtons on Earth's surface. This is because weight is a force dependent on gravity, and on Earth, 1 kilogram of mass exerts a force of 9.81 newtons.

Are newtons weight?

Newtons are the force one object exerts on another. The weight you see on a bathroom scale is how much the scale pushes back, which equals the Newtonian force. However, mass and Newtons are different but related. Newtons is the gravitational pull multiplied by the mass. The basic equation is: (mass in grams)(9.8)=Force in Newtons 9.8 is the gravitational pull on every object on Earth.