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From your body's fat stores.

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Q: If you don't eat Where did your cell get the glucose for ATP?
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Why do runners consume glucose?

In order to run or even live you need for your body to create energy in the form of ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) by a process called cell respiration. Glucose is needed in this process. We get our glucose through the foods we eat (glucose=sugar).

How do the cells in the human body get and use energy?

This one reason why we need to eat. The cells use a simple sugar called glucose to produce a macromolecule: ATP. It requires a large number of steps to get from a hamburger bun to glucose and ATP, but ATP holds the energy that the cell requires from moving muscles to running the nervous system.

What helps your cells be able to eat the sugar needed for energy called?

The process by which cells extract energy from sugar is called cellular respiration. It involves breaking down glucose molecules into smaller units through a series of complex biochemical reactions, ultimately producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as the energy currency for the cell to use. The enzymes involved in this process play a critical role in facilitating the breakdown of glucose and the production of ATP.

What condition causes insulin to be released by beta cells?

The condition that causes insulin to be released by beta cells is a high level of glucose in the blood. When blood glucose levels rise after a meal, beta cells in the pancreas detect this increase and secrete insulin to help regulate glucose levels by allowing cells to absorb and use glucose for energy.

What is considered to be the power-house of the cell?

The powerhouse of the cells is known as mitochondria, an organelle that is involved in the ATP-producing process. ATP is the source of energy for your whole body, and therefore your cells contain mitochondria to essentially power the cell.

Related questions

What does a mitochondrion do with glucose?

Glucose is the fuel for the cell but it has to broken down first. In the mitochondria, it goes through steps which break it down a bit at a time and this process makes ATP. ATP is the energy coin of the cell which it then spends to do its' work.

Why do runners consume glucose?

In order to run or even live you need for your body to create energy in the form of ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) by a process called cell respiration. Glucose is needed in this process. We get our glucose through the foods we eat (glucose=sugar).

How are ATP and glucose similar?

ATP and glucose are similar because they are both chemical sources of energy used by cells. They are very different in terms of composition and structure. Glucose is made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen only whereas ATP has phosphorus and nitrogen in addition to the aforementioned three elements. Also, glucose is different from ATP in that the glucose does not have an aromatic ring even if it has a six membered cyclic ring.

How does a cell get glucose?

By the food we eat.

How do the cells in the human body get and use energy?

This one reason why we need to eat. The cells use a simple sugar called glucose to produce a macromolecule: ATP. It requires a large number of steps to get from a hamburger bun to glucose and ATP, but ATP holds the energy that the cell requires from moving muscles to running the nervous system.

Which molecule ATP or glucose stores more energy?

A glucose molecule can store much more energy than a molecule of ATP. Through cellular respiration, the energy stored in glucose is transferred to ATP molecules. ATP molecules then travel to the locations in the cell that need the energy.

The energy available for use by the cell is obtained from the life function?

The energy available for use by the cell is obtained through the process of cellular respiration, where energy is extracted from nutrients like glucose. This energy is in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that can be used to power various cellular activities essential for life.

What helps your cells be able to eat the sugar needed for energy called?

The process by which cells extract energy from sugar is called cellular respiration. It involves breaking down glucose molecules into smaller units through a series of complex biochemical reactions, ultimately producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as the energy currency for the cell to use. The enzymes involved in this process play a critical role in facilitating the breakdown of glucose and the production of ATP.

What condition causes insulin to be released by beta cells?

The condition that causes insulin to be released by beta cells is a high level of glucose in the blood. When blood glucose levels rise after a meal, beta cells in the pancreas detect this increase and secrete insulin to help regulate glucose levels by allowing cells to absorb and use glucose for energy.

Is mitochondria an organelle that burns a cell's food for energy?

Kind of. But it does a lot more than burn it. If we just burnt food we would get a big release of energy instantly. Instead mitochondria produce a chemical called ATP which we use for energy. Each molecule of glucose you eat produces 36 molecules of ATP.

What cellular process stores energy?

The process that stores energy in cells is called cellular respiration, which converts glucose from food into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) molecules that serve as energy currency for the cell. ATP is used for various cellular activities that require energy, such as growth, repair, and movement.

What is considered to be the power-house of the cell?

The powerhouse of the cells is known as mitochondria, an organelle that is involved in the ATP-producing process. ATP is the source of energy for your whole body, and therefore your cells contain mitochondria to essentially power the cell.