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No. Jupiter's atmosphere is mostly hydrogen, which is flammable, but since there is virtually no oxygen in Jupiter's atmosphere combustion is not possible.

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Not quite sure what you mean by "ignite the atmosphere"; I am pretty sure that it would not be able to provoke a runaway chain reaction, if that's what you mean.

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Q: If you detonated a 100 megaton hydrogen bomb on jupiterwould it ignite the atmospere?
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What is the largest megaton bomb?

The largest megaton bomb ever detonated was the Soviet Union's Tsar Bomba in 1961, with a yield of about 50 megatons. It was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created and tested.

Which is more damaging Atom bomb or megaton bomb?

A megaton bomb is more damaging than an atomic bomb because it has a much higher explosive yield. A megaton bomb releases energy equivalent to the detonation of one million tons of TNT, while an atomic bomb typically releases energy equivalent to the detonation of thousands of tons of TNT.

What was the nickname of the first H-bomb?

Greenhouse George. 225 kilotons.George is said to have "lit a fusion match with a fission blast furnace". The yield of the fission bomb that ignited George's fusion fuel was well in excess of 200 kilotons, the highest yield fission bomb detonated to that date. The actual fusion yield of George likely probably did not exceed 1 kiloton.Ivy Mike, 10 megatons, was the first true fusion bomb. About 1 megaton of that was fusion.

What explosion in the upper solar atmosphere releases about as much energy as millions of 100-megaton hydrogen bombs exploding simultaneously?

A solar flare

What equals 100 billion one-megaton hydrogen bombs per second?

The energy equivalent of 100 billion one-megaton hydrogen bombs per second would be approximately equal to 44,160,000,000,000,000,000 joules (44.16 exajoules) of energy released every second. This immense level of energy output is difficult to comprehend in practical terms due to its staggering magnitude.

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What is the most giant hydrogen bomb?

The 50 Megaton "Tsar Bomba" hydrogen bomb tested by the USSR in 1961 is the strongest hydrogen bomb ever detonated. The 10 Megaton "Ivy Mike" hydrogen bomb tested by the U.S. in 1952 is the physically largest hydrogen bomb ever detonated.

What is the biggest nuclear weapon?

The biggest nuclear weapon ever tested was the Tsar Bomba, a hydrogen bomb detonated by the Soviet Union in 1961. It had a yield of 50 megatons, making it the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated.

What is the largest megaton bomb?

The largest megaton bomb ever detonated was the Soviet Union's Tsar Bomba in 1961, with a yield of about 50 megatons. It was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created and tested.

What is the biggest nuke on earth?

The "Tsar Bomba" was the biggest bomb ever detonated, at 50 megatons. The U.S has bombs ranging in yield of 0.01 Kilotons, to about 1 Megaton. The reason for 1 megaton, is that there is no real benefit of having them any bigger.

Which is more damaging Atom bomb or megaton bomb?

A megaton bomb is more damaging than an atomic bomb because it has a much higher explosive yield. A megaton bomb releases energy equivalent to the detonation of one million tons of TNT, while an atomic bomb typically releases energy equivalent to the detonation of thousands of tons of TNT.

What was the largest bomb ever detonated?

The largest atomic bomb ever built, or detonated, was the Tsar Bomb (????-?????) RDS-220 code named "Ivan" by the Soviet Union. Originally built as a 100 MegaTon (100,000,000 ton) three stage Hydrogen bomb, it was changed to 50 MegaTon to limit fallout. Detonated on October 30th, 1961. Caveat: This information is based upon public information and releases, if there is a larger bomb it was never disclosed to the public in any fasion.

How destructive is today's hydrogen bomb?

Today's hydrogen bombs are incredibly destructive, with the potential to unleash explosions thousands of times more powerful than atomic bombs. The blast, heat, and radiation effects of a hydrogen bomb can cause widespread devastation over a large area, leading to massive loss of life and infrastructure damage. Hydrogen bombs have the capacity to create mushroom clouds that can reach high into the atmosphere, causing long-lasting environmental impacts.

What would happen if a 100 megaton nuclear weapon were detonated under Mount Everest?

No one has actually tried this before, and no physics engine has ever managed to imitate effects of such great force, so therefore it is quite hard to answer this question.

What explosion in the upper solar atmosphere releases about as much energy as millions of 100-megaton hydrogen bombs exploding simultaneously?

A solar flare

When was Megaton Shotblast created?

Megaton Shotblast was created in 2001.

When was Megaton Man created?

Megaton Man was created in 1984.

Which is bigger a joule or megaton?

A megaton is bigger than a joule. A megaton is a unit of explosive force equivalent to one million tons of TNT, while a joule is a unit of energy.