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It is a physical change.

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1mo ago

Mixing hot coffee with cold milk is a physical change because the molecules of both substances do not undergo a chemical reaction. The temperature change occurs due to heat transfer from the coffee to the milk, but the chemical composition of the coffee and milk remains the same.

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Q: If you add hot coffee to cold milk is that a chemical or physical change?
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Are drops of cold milk added to hot coffee a chemical or physical change?

Adding cold milk to hot coffee is a physical change because the milk and coffee retain their original chemical properties after mixing. The change in temperature is a physical property of the substances.

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Putting ice in a soda to make it cold is a physical change. The ice melts into water, but it does not change the chemical composition of the soda itself.

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phisiological change,its not a physical or chemical change

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The melting of an ice cube is considered a physical change. This is because the change in state from solid to liquid does not alter the chemical composition of the water molecules in the ice cube. Only the physical properties, such as shape and phase, are affected by melting.

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No, your breath becoming visible on a cold day is a physical change, not a chemical change. It simply involves the condensation of water vapor in your breath due to the colder temperatures, causing it to appear as a mist. The chemical composition of your breath remains the same.

How can you prevent from effect of chemical and physical change?

by exessive use of juices and cold drinks.

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Freezing chocolate-covered bananas is a physical change because the change is reversible. The bananas undergo a change in state from liquid to solid without altering their chemical composition.

Is water freezing chemical change?

No, it is a physical change. You must understand that water can be in any one of three PHYSICAL states, liquid, solid or vapor ( a gas ). Changing physical states is not a chemical change, but a direct result of heat or cold application.