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Indeed, time travel, and travelling faster than the speed of light, are intimately related in the Special Theory of Relativity. Looking at the situation from the other side, if it were possible to travel faster than light, then from some point of view, you would be travelling backwards in time. For more details, read about the definition of "simultaneity" in the Special Theory of Relativity.

Probably none of the two is possible - travelling backwards in time, and travelling faster than light.

Indeed, time travel, and travelling faster than the speed of light, are intimately related in the Special Theory of Relativity. Looking at the situation from the other side, if it were possible to travel faster than light, then from some point of view, you would be travelling backwards in time. For more details, read about the definition of "simultaneity" in the Special Theory of Relativity.

Probably none of the two is possible - travelling backwards in time, and travelling faster than light.

Indeed, time travel, and travelling faster than the speed of light, are intimately related in the Special Theory of Relativity. Looking at the situation from the other side, if it were possible to travel faster than light, then from some point of view, you would be travelling backwards in time. For more details, read about the definition of "simultaneity" in the Special Theory of Relativity.

Probably none of the two is possible - travelling backwards in time, and travelling faster than light.

Indeed, time travel, and travelling faster than the speed of light, are intimately related in the Special Theory of Relativity. Looking at the situation from the other side, if it were possible to travel faster than light, then from some point of view, you would be travelling backwards in time. For more details, read about the definition of "simultaneity" in the Special Theory of Relativity.

Probably none of the two is possible - travelling backwards in time, and travelling faster than light.

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1mo ago

In theory, time travel to the future is possible by traveling close to the speed of light. However, traveling back in time is more complex and theoretical. Moving several light years in space by combining these methods would require overcoming significant technological and scientific challenges that are currently beyond our understanding of physics.

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14y ago

Indeed, time travel, and travelling faster than the speed of light, are intimately related in the Special Theory of Relativity. Looking at the situation from the other side, if it were possible to travel faster than light, then from some point of view, you would be travelling backwards in time. For more details, read about the definition of "simultaneity" in the Special Theory of Relativity.

Probably none of the two is possible - travelling backwards in time, and travelling faster than light.

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Q: If time travel was possible could you in the distant future move several light years in a space by traveling close to the speed of light and than traveling backwards through time at regular intervals?
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Is it possible for sheet lightning to strike a person?

No, it is not possible for sheet lightning to strike a person. Sheet lightning refers to the illumination of a widespread area of the sky due to a distant thunderstorm. It does not actually involve a physical discharge of lightning that can strike objects or people.

Why you can not differentiate between near and distant Star by naked eyes?

You have two eyes, away from each by about 6 cm. The object placed nearby makes a larger angle to both eyes as compared to distant object. From that angle, you make out the distance of the object from you. Stars are too far away for human eyes (or any animal eyes, for that purpose.) to make smaller or bigger angle. They all make the smallest possible angle witch can be recognized by naked eyes and so you can not differentiate between near or distant star. All of them are distant objects for human eyes.

Is earth the most distant planet from the sun?

No, Earth is not the most distant planet from the sun. Neptune holds the title for being the most distant planet in our solar system.

What does 'tele' mean in English grammar?

In English grammar, the prefix 'tele-' typically means distant or distant communication. It is derived from the Greek word "tele," which means far off or at a distance. Words like 'television' (distant vision) and 'telephone' (distant sound) contain this prefix.

What is the meaning of distant?

Separated; having an intervening space; at a distance; away., Far separated; far off; not near; remote; -- in place, time, consanguinity, or connection; as, distant times; distant relatives., Reserved or repelling in manners; cold; not cordial; somewhat haughty; as, a distant manner., Indistinct; faint; obscure, as from distance., Not conformable; discrepant; repugnant; as, a practice so widely distant from Christianity.

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